December 12, 2019
President Michael Courey opened meeting at 3 p.m.
Present: Herb Bruce, Barbara Carew, John Clemens, Michael Courey, Joan Crothers, Jan Kowalsky, LaJean Turner, Noel Turner; Excused: Larry Dietsch.
Minutes: Motion to approve the Nov. 14, 2019 minutes as submitted was made by Barbara Carew; seconded & passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan passed out copies of her report; it showed a balance of $4,245.47, the same as last month. Herb motioned to accept report as submitted; seconded and passed.
Membership: LaJean reported same total as last month: 191. Some members need to be contacted for dues.
Old Business
- County Ordinances reviewed: Herb led discussion; compliance and enforcement is needed. Bring up at the Candidates’ Forum.
- Donation remaining: Student grant in April 2020 for $100.
- Website: Jan has updated many of the items that were in question; others were discussed. John will start to interface into the website maintenance.
New Business
- Downtown Development Authority (DDA): Herb discussed the 2 buildings in Hiawassee purchased by DDA from Dan Paris; now they are applying for a grant to renovate. Appraisal price was $138K and Dan came down to $99000. Mayor Ordiales wants to have “Boat-in Movies” at the Mayors Park this summer.
- January 2020 General Membership meeting: LaJean sent out email announcements to members and speakers. Michael will send her the agenda ASAP to send to all. Food: Chicken fingers and BBQ, Drinks: Sweet tea (Joan), Unsweet Tea (Jan) and water bottles (Barbara); plates, cups, etc. (LaJean); Ice: Michael. Set-up time: 3 p.m. on 23 January 2020.
- Candidates’ Forum: Candidates qualify March 2-6th by noon, 2020. Forum format: State and local candidates—in that order—and bring up Ordinance Enforcement as one question for both Sheriff and Commissioner candidates. Will be conducted in collaboration with Candace Lee, Chamber of Commerce.
- Hamilton Gardens: Michael will pay for $200 stone at Celebration Plaza for TCCA as approved at the November Board meeting. Treasurer will reimburse him.
Committee Meetings:
City of Hiawassee: Mayor fully supports the DDA purchase of 2 buildings; K-9 Buddy had a vest donated for him from a citizen; Bonnie has been certified as “City Clerk .” Joan was honored and surprised with a plaque for the square by her children. Appreciation to Kris Berrong as he will be leaving the Hiawassee City Council.
City of Young Harris: No report.
Commissioner: Bradshaw canceled Nov. meeting; Dec. meeting will be next Tuesday.
CVB: Michael will attend this coming Tuesday andask about 60 mi. advertisement and website support.
Chamber: LaJean attended the Annual Meeting and represented TCCA; about 90 attending.
BRMEMC, TCW&S Auth.; Planning Commission: No reports.
Health Dept: No meeting this month.
Other business: LaJean has had one meeting with an Alcohol Referendum Committee. They are working to get the City of Hiawassee voting list corrected to reflect the current actual voter registration listing in order to enable what the correct number of supporters necessary for the 35% mandate.
Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:30 p.m., and food and drink was enjoyed at a Christmas party.
Next meeting: Will be the General Meeting on January 23, 2020 at T.C. Civic Center, 6 p.m.