President Michael Courey opened meeting at 3 p.m.
Present: Herb Bruce, Barbara Carew, Michael Courey, Joan Crothers, Larry Dietsch, LaJean Turner,
Guests: Anna Denton, Gerry Gutenstein, David Tinsley
Excused: John Clemens, Jan Kowalsky, Noel Turner
Michael welcomed guests and they each gave a short bio to group.
Minutes: Motion to approve the 13 2020 February minutes was made by Barbara, seconded & passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan emailed copies of her report; it showed a balance of $3,282. Motion to approve made by Herb, with correction that $100 check went to reimburse Michael (additional expense for Celebration Plaza stone at Hamilton Gardens) seconded and passed.
Membership: LaJean reported total membership at 197 with 114 families. She will work on designations at top of list for B/W printers.
Old Business
- Package Referendum: 808 voters in Hiawassee City. Approximately 300 signatures needed to place on the Ballot. Julie Alexander & Ann Wedgewood are working on this.
- County Ordinances review: Herb stated the Mayor wants infractions on Sign & Noise ordinances sent to her so she can work on enforcement. Board members can submit photo’s.
- Donations remaining: Student grant in April 2020 for $100; LaJean will present a check. No other donations are in 2020 budget.
- June meeting theme: Suggested to have our Health Dept (local or state) talk about new doctors/programs at Chatuge Hosp. and coronavirus. Gerry and Larry will work on this.
- Website: Treasury report showed $80 spent on website.
New Business
- DDA: Herb wrote a Letter to the Editor (3/4/20 issue) in response to “What are we getting for our Money!” re: the 2 buildings recently purchased from Dan Paris. “Citizens of Hiawassee get to remove 2 eyesores in the town, acquire 2 renovated buildings w/o the use of taxpayer money for renovation, provide an opportunity to attract businesses to downtown, will increase tax revenue and help improve the look of downtown corridor.”
- SPLOST: Vote date is May 19. Signs & banners will be put out by members of the SPLOST Committee on 1 April.
- Candidates’ Forum: Six candidates qualified for Sheriff, one has since dropped out TCCA will have a forum on March 31st 5 p.m. at Rec. Center for all candidates in collaboration with Chamber.
- TCCA Nominating Committee: Larry is Chair; all officers, 2 directors and Membership Chair need to be voted on; LaJean will not remain the designated Membership Chair; Barbara will not rerun as a Director. David Tinsley and Anna Denton agreed to be on the slate as Directors, Gerry considering nomination as President.
Pg. 2 TCCA 3/12/20
- Firewise activities: Michael talked about working with 12 college girls from Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan at Lloyd’s Landing, clearing fire hazard materials from the area. Nine Students are scheduled to work the Cupid Falls Park area in Y.H. on 3/17/2020.
Committee Reports:
City of Hiawassee: City Council voted for a sewer moratorium because of unpaid water/sewer bills, mediation process with TCW&SA is in the works; April 1st is Census Day and May 19 is the County SPLOST voting day. Hiawassee is now a Firewise Community
City of Young Harris: City is now a Firewise Community; Census and SPLOST were discussed; bids for work on 515 will be in 2/2021; new restaurant: Y.H. Wings; Main St.
County Commissioner Meeting: Members of Junior Board of Gov’t. Officials (Student Board Bradshaw started) were introduced; SPLOST discussed—Cities will each get 9%.
CVB: Michael said they are doing better at collecting tax revenues; The Grant process is in the first year with modifications expected.
Chamber: LaJean said they were doing a number of Community/Business support classes; Bass Tournaments are coming up.
BRMEMC: Continued effort to provide fiber optic service to rural homes.
TCW&S Auth.: Barbarasaid they“were in the black;” Approx. 30 Frog Pond Rd. residents need water line replacement, cost $1 million; a master meter to private ownership with a well seems to be best alternative. Because of a 6” break on Mining Gap, area now on new system.
Planning Commission; Health Dept: No reports.
Other business
By-Laws: A sheet with proposed amendments to the By-Laws was handed out to be studied and discussed at next meeting, then voted on at June meeting by membership.
Adjournment: A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
Next meeting: Thursday, April 9th, 3 p.m. at Joan’s.
The April meeting may need to be adjusted due to the COVID-19 issue.