1. Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed the entire board as present on ZOOM. Present: Michael Courey, Herb Bruce, Barbara Carew, Jan Kowalsky, Joan Crothers, Larry Dietsch, LaJean Turner, Noel Turner
Guests: Anna Denton, David Tinsley.
2. Secretary’s Report: Larry Dietsch made a motion to accept the Minutes of March 12, 2020; seconded and passed. The April 2020 Meeting was canceled due to COVID-19.
3. Treasurer’s Report: May 1, 2020 Balance: $3,332.20 with a $100 debit check outstanding. LaJean made a motion to approve; seconded and passed. Michael sent out a draft of 2021 TCCA Budget for review and consideration at a subsequent meeting.
4. Membership Report
May 2020 Report: New membership list emailed to Board yesterday. 147 active individuals representing 83 families. Easier to read codes are now on the top of the list. Anna & LaJean will look at/contact some who have dropped out.
5. Old Business
Hiawassee City Package Referendum: LaJean said they will have an article in next week’s paper for people to come to the Hamilton Gardens parking lot on May 22 or June 6 from 10-2 to sign the petition for a Hiawassee City package store to be placed on the November Ballot.
Donations: Student Grant $100, April, 2020; and Michael made a $50 donation in the name of TCCA for COVID-19 Front Line workers.
June 25 Meeting Cancelled due to the COVIG-19 Pandemic. Joan is putting an article in the newspaper about the cancellation and will send it to Jan to put on the website.
Web site Update: Jan has updated the web site, however the 2018 Meeting Minutes should be restored to the site. Board comments for the web site should be sent to Jan.
6. New Business:
Downtown Development Authority (DDA) function Update: Herb said a grant is pending to replace the roof on the two buildings the City bought from Dan Paris, and a second grant for inside renovations is also pending. DDA has listed 18 projects as money-raisers. Nothing definite on businesses that might use the buildings. Yoga studio was suggested as a good one. Herb will send Board members a rendering of the buildings. The back area of the buildings is a grassy area that could be used for outside dining. As of May 5th there is an Intergovernmental Contract with the City for $20K/year.
SPLOST: Vote date that was May 19, 2020 has been changed to June 9th. Signs and banners have been put out by the SPLOST Committee. Herb indicated that fluoride being added to the area water, as a ballot item, has had significant discussion County wide.
Candidate public forum: Sheriff’s forum on March 31 & May 9, 2020 were cancelled. Michael saw a lot of resistance from certain candidates to have a forum.
Coroner & Tax Commissioner Forum on May 9th also cancelled. J.C. Berrong, who was running for Tax Commissioner against Bruce Rogers, has died, so Bruce is unopposed. However, Mr. Berrong remains on the ballot.
TCCA Officer and Director Candidate Slate: Nominating Committee Chair Larry Dietsch, gave us the committee’s slate:
President: Michael Courey
Vice Pres.: Herbert Bruce
Treasurer: Larry Dietsch
Secretary: Joan Crothers
Director: LaJean Turner
Director: Anna Denton
Director: David Tinsley
Director: Jan Kowalsky
This slate of candidates will be submitted in a ballot format for election by the Membership via email.
By-Laws Proposed Changes: The Membership approved the proposed changes by a 37% affirmative vote as conducted through email communication in a manner as compliant as possible within the Pandemic environmental conditions. The two changes result in a two year term for all Association Board Officers and Directors. Larry incorporated the changes into a current edition of By-Laws which he will email to the Board. Jan will enter the current version on the web site.
7. Committee Reports: The Pandemic shut down prevented meeting attendance. Most activities were covered in the newspaper.
a. City of Hiawassee
b. City of Young Harris
c. Towns County Commissioner
d. Towns County Water Authority
e. Chamber of Commerce
f. Convention Visitors Board (CVB)
h. County Planning Commission
i. County Health Department
8. Other Business: Noel indicated that he will submit an editorial article relative to his own opinion about the three separate water authorities within the County.
Next Meeting: 11 June 2020 at 3 p.m. A vote was taken to meet at the pavilion at Hamilton Gardens.