January – Board members: Noel Turner, Jan Kowalsky, Joan Crothers, SuSu Davis, Richard Klotzbier, Ken Manwaring, Don Berry, Michael Courey, LaJean Turner.
Civic meeting reports: Liz Ordiales sworn in as mayor, Hiawassee saves $50,000, Chamber events – Get Outdoors, Bass Tournament, Made in Georgia. New rack cards for TCCA, general membership meeting upcoming, sponsor Hamilton Gardens benefit again.
February – Donations to Hamilton and Hiwassee River Watershed acknowledged. Change to website address discussed to reflect TCCA and notify Georgia Secty of State. New rack card text corrections and ready to order.
March – City reports water leaks fixed. TCCA to sponsor Clean Sweep Week, preparations for June membership meeting.
April – County has new Code Red Emergency Alert system. Clean Sweep Week plans, scholarship for TC High senior, prep for June meeting.
May – Air Med and Air Methods speakers planned for June membership meeting. Slate of Officers for June meeting: Pres. Michael; V.P. SuSu, (1-yr. terms) ; Directors: LaJean Turner, Larry Katz, Barbara Carew(2-year terms).
July – Board members: : Michael Courey, SuSu Davis, Jan Kowalsky, Joan Crothers, Larry Katz, Barbara Carew
Attendees for City & County meetings: Y.H. City Council—Barbara;CVB: Barbara/LaJean; Hiawassee City Council & Commissioner’s Mtg.—Joan;TCW&SA—Barbara/Jan; Planning Commission—Larry; BRMEMC—Michael; Chamber:Noel. Change in directors with Manwaring leaving, Dietsch replacing him. TCCA business cards to be printed. Meeting time changed to second Thursdays.
August – Organizations receiving donations from TCCA on regular basis: Food Pantry, HRW Coalition, Hamilton Gardens, Scholarship, CASA. All agreed we need a more substantial buffer surplus, not counting the CD. Larry Dietsch made a motion to discontinue donations during this fiscal year; seconded and passed. Bylaw changes need to reflect new name TCCA.
September – State South bank account closed and new account opened at United Community. LaJean made a motion to roll our CD into checking account when it comes due Nov. 1st; seconded and passed. She suggested we just reduce our donations as they are important. At the August Board meeting, the Board decided not to make any donations this fiscal year in an effort to gain a minimal financial buffer. Business cards distributed.
October – Discussed possible speakers for January membership meeting. LaJean voted to serve as VP to fill vacancy.
November – Changes to By-Laws:
New name written out and initials changed; 2. Collection of dues: Treasurer receives dues and pays obligations, Secretary may receive dues and pay obligations in the absence of the Treasurer. 3. Membership Committee shall be a Standing Committee. Written proposed amendments will be sent to Board members for review.
A suggestion was made to allow for a non voting membership class enabling non County residents to become Association members. Discussion occurred with further consideration to be made for addition to the list of Proposed Amendments.