1. Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed the board members present. Present: Michael Courey, Herb Bruce, Jan Kowalsky (Internet Zoom), Joan Crothers, Larry Dietsch, LaJean Turner, Anna Denton, David Tinsley.
2. Secretary’s Report: Dave Tinsley made a motion to accept the minutes of May 14, 2020; seconded and passed.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Today’s balance: $3,232.22 with a $25 check to deposit. LaJean made a motion to approve; seconded and passed.
4. Membership Report: June 2020 Report: 146 active individuals representing 82 families, lost one since last month. Anna & LaJean are still working on contacting inactive members.
5. Old Business
Hiawassee City Package Referendum: Has until July to get 285 signatures.
June 25 Meeting Cancelled: Article in the June 3rd edition about the cancellation and will send it to paper for next week June 17th. Consider rescheduling possibility and under what conditions.
Community activities restart: T.C. Farmers Market opened June 6th; Commissioner’s Meeting, Tues. 6/16; Music on the Square and Old Rock Jail opening; Saturday. 6/20; 4th of July Boat Parade – 11 a.m. and Fireworks; Schools open 8/14; GM Fair, 8/14-22 w/parade on Sat. 8/15 11 a.m.; Moonshine Cruiz-in 8/30-31-9/1.
Web site Update: Jan will provide information on the web site fee. Report next month.
New Business
Downtown Development Authority (DDA): Herb said they are waiting for the results as to the two grant applications. DDA has a money-raiser planned on the square called “First Friday Market” which will be August 7th. A second event will be a dinner at Hamilton Gardens Paris Pavilion at $50/person. Corrina Luckenbach has done a mural which is in the window of one of the buildings they bought and another mural will be put on the side of the Eagle Mtn. Archery Store in July.
SPLOST: Vote on June 9th passed. Vote to prevent adding fluoride to drinking water passed.
Bell Mountain Park: One of Shake Rag Rd. residents called requesting support to close the road up Bell Mountain as it is dangerous and a significant nuisance to the neighboring residences. The Board felt that this is a local neighborhood issue and it should be left to the residents and the Commissioner to address.
TCCA Direction: Consensus of opinion was that we need to work on the subject of evaluating the appropriateness of consolidating our 3 water groups into one. Contact will be made to former State Representative Steve Allison, who is a lawyer in Blairsville, and ask him to speak to our Board as to the specific issue details. This issue has been addressed in the past at a TCCA General Membership meeting. Rabin County (Branden Thompson) could be used as an example of such an incentive.
Budget: Tabled until next month, so please everyone, review it.
Committee Reports: The Pandemic shut down prevented meeting attendance.
a. City of Hiawassee
b. City of Young Harris
c. Towns County Commissioner
d. Towns County Water Authority
e. Chamber of Commerce
f. Convention Visitors Board (CVB)
h. County Planning Commission
i. County Health Department
8. Other Business: Herb said he was withdrawing his nomination for Board/Officer election due to a too-busy-schedule. It was his birthday and we all sang Happy Birthday to him.
Replacement Board members will be considered.