Hamilton Gardens Paris Pavilion
1. Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed the new Officers and Directors.
Present: Michael Courey, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Larry Dietsch, David Tinsley, LaJean Turner, Jan Kowalsky (came later).
The Nomination Committee Chair (Larry) submitted the written election results to the Secretary (Joan) for the two year term beginning 1 July 2020. An article of the election results with a photo of the new Board members will be submitted to the Towns County Herald indicating the following:
President, Michael Courey; Vice President, Vacant; Secretary, Joan Crothers; Treasurer, Larry Dietsch; Director, Anna Denton; Director, LaJean Turner; Director, David Tinsley; Director, Jan Kowalsky.
2. Secretary’s Report: Dave Tinsley made a motion to accept the Minutes of June 11, 2020; seconded and passed.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Balance: $3,192.20. P.O. Box 455 rental was the only expense at $114/year. A motion made by Anna to approve; seconded and passed. The Bank account was modified to indicate the new Treasurer.
4. Membership Report: Anna Denton is the new Membership Chair and reported 10 families are currently paid, this is mainly due to no meeting in June when many renew their dues. Additional work to follow. A Membership data base was established. The two Board vacancies will be filled by nominations, and as considered by the Board with appropriate appointment. Jan nominated Sue Astley. A bio will be sent to the Board Members for consideration.
5. Old Business
Hiawassee City Package Referendum: LaJean reported under 200 signatures have been obtained and 285 are needed before July 31st. The independent initiative will end without sufficient signatures.
Web site Update: Communication with Jan will be made for updates.
Association Direction: The Board will evaluate the future focus of the Association relative to Community needs. Possible issues:
(1) County Animal Control perhaps as a task for the County Sheriff Office.
(2) Security at the Hiawassee Board of Elections Office. Absentee Ballot delivery and recording.
(3) Consideration for establishing a County Maintenance Section.
(4) Lack of available manpower to fill needed positions. Causes?
6. New Business
Water concerns: T.C. Water-Sewer Authority/City of Hiawassee Water Dept .issues were discussed. Michael spoke to Brandon Thompson, Manager of the Rabun Water Authority. Using Rabun County as a model seems inappropriate with their lack of a central operational system.
Inconclusive justification that combining the County Water Authority into and under the Hiawassee Water Department would offer an improved operational system.
Bell Mtn. Park: The Commissioner is having a professional evaluation of the upper part of Shake Rag Road as associated with access to the observation area at the top. Mr. Bradshaw is very concerned with safety and environmental issues which impact visitors and local residents.
GA Mountain Fair Parade: Scheduled for Saturday, August 15th. The Association will not submit a float in participation.
Budget: The 2020-2021 budget was submitted to include donations. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by David and seconded. A vote was taken, and unanimously approved. (See attached worksheet recorded as part of these meeting minutes).
Committee Assignments: Many meetings are suspended during the Pandemic.
a. City of Hiawassee – LaJean and Joan
b. City of Young Harris – Anna
c. Towns County Commissioner Meeting – Joan
d. Towns County Water Authority – Michael
e. Chamber of Commerce – LaJean
f. Convention Visitors Board (CVB) – Michael
g. BRMEMC – Jan and Michael
h. County Planning Commission – Dave
i. County Health Department – Larry
Other Business:
a. Agreed that TCCA would have a table at First Friday on Square, $50/month 5-10 p.m., if available. Currently, all sites are reserved.
b. Plan to have/share with Firewise a table at Home & Garden at Recreation Center; Saturday, October 10, 10:00 to 5:00 — and—Sunday October 11, 12:00 to 5:00
Adjournment: There being no further business,motion to adjourn was made at 4:50 p.m.