Board Meeting Minutes October 2020


Hamilton Gardens Paris Pavilion

1. Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed all to the meeting. He also said we will all miss Jan Kowalsky, who has sold her house here and will be moving to Cape Cod. She has been an officer on the Board since 2010; one year as Secretary and the rest as Treasurer.

Present: Michael Courey, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Larry Dietsch, Jan Kowalsky, Sue Astley, David Best.

Excused: David Tinsley, LaJean Turner

2. Secretary’s Report: Sue made a motion to accept the Minutes of September 24, 2020; seconded and passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report: Larry gave a balance as of 9/30/20 of $3,668.20 ($350 income from dues. The donation of $100 to T.C. Food Pantry was made. Additional deposits since the 30th brings the balance to $3,918.20. A Motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve.

4. Membership Report: Anna has been sending out cards and letters to people about unpaid dues and it is certainly working (see Treasurer’s report). She will have a more accurate report on numbers next month. An address of business membership will be considered at the next meeting.

5. Old Business

a. Web Site Update: Jan and David Best will get together to evaluate work on the website.

b. Association Direction: Drug abuse in the County— Michael and Anna will schedule a meeting with County Commissioner Bradshaw to address the community drug problem.

c. Sign Ordinance compliance: Anna will check with Dave Tinsley on progress.

d. Bell Mtn. Road: The KCI Technologies report was submitted. It addresses excessive roadway erosion rutting along edge of roadway. Signage recommended: 5 mph, Narrow Road, and Steep Grade. Residents want road closed and open another road involving a different community.

6. New Business

a. Jan. 2021 Membership Meeting: At this time, the January Association meeting is not permitted due to pandemic restrictions. Regulations may change.

b. Donations: The Food Pantry donation of $100 was presented by David Tinsley on Sept. 24th.

David Best will present the $100 donation from TCCA to MountainTrue in February with the designation as to be used for water testing in the Towns County watershed.

c. Hamilton Gardens Membership: Michael gave the Gardens $25 for a TCCA membership as we had used the Paris Pavilion several times for meetings. Jan made a motion to reimburse Michael; seconded and passed.

7. Committee Assignments:

a. City of Hiawassee – Joan reported that the Mayor not present at the last City Council meeting as her mother had passed away. Sue said she will send a card to Liz from our Board members.

b. City of Y.H.- Anna: No report.

c. Commissioner-Joan: October meeting will be on Oct. 20th.

d. T.C. Water Authority: Efforts to reach a settlement with Hiawassee water authority are in progress.

Page 2, TCCA Minutes 10/8/2020

e. Chamber-LaJean: David Best made a motion that Michael should investigate our participation in the Service Expo. Joan will submit the Association ballot election for members to the Chamber Board of Directors.

f. CVB-David Best: No meeting to report.

g. BRMEMC- Michael: New Executive Director has been elected. In person meetings are not held.

h. Co. Planning Commission: No report.

i. Health Dept-Larry: Meeting is coming up in October.

8. Other Business:

Transfer Station: David Best brought up that he was concerned about the County waste Transfer Station status and the need for an improved operation. The volume of material seems to overwhelm the facility. Recycling capabilities are also a concern. Joan will investigate and communicate with the Commissioner.

Indoor meeting place: Since the weather will be getting cooler, Joan suggested her church’s Fellowship Hall. The Board approved.

9. Adjournment: There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made at 4 p.m.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 3:00 to be held at the Hiawassee United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, on Hwy. 76 West, just past the Fairgrounds coming into Hiawassee. NOTE: Different date.