1. Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed all to the meeting, especially new Board members Sue Astley and David Best.
Present: Sue Astley, David Best, Michael Courey, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Larry Dietsch, , Jan Kowalsky, LaJean Turner; Excused, Dave Tinsley
2. Secretary’s Report: LaJean made a motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the Minutes of August 13, 2020.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 7/31/20: $3,418.20. A Motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve with one minor correction to balance.
4. Membership Report: Anna Denton reported 85 Individual/46 Households and 3 corporations. She was asked to send out a list of non-renewals, and a list of all members; both reports to the Board members.
5. Old Business
a. MountainTrue: Both LaJean and Joan contacted Callie Moore about the “Dear White People” program as recently presented. Callie indicated that the program was presented by the Asheville/Hendersonville group of MountainTrue. Ms. Moore indicated that the funding for the presentation did not originate with her regional office nor utilize contributions from Towns County. Funds are allocated by zip code and can be designated to a certain program. Subsequent consideration will be made as to the TCCA annual donation.
b. Web Site Update: Jan and David Best will consider work on the website.
c. Association Direction: Drug abuse in the County—Michael met with the County Commissioner.
Mr. Bradshaw will schedule a meeting with the School Resource Officer, the Sheriff Elect, and Michael to plan an address of the local drug problem. Sign Ordinance compliance and enforcement may also be a point of Association address as per pending information from David Tinsley.
d. Bell Mtn. Road: The Commissioner indicated at his August public meeting that he will be discussing the KCI Technologies report with the residents of concern prior to public review.
6. New Business
a. Jan. 2021 Membership Meeting: Depending upon permission and availability for public meetings of 60 to 80 in attendance, a Thursday, January 28th meeting is tentatively planned. Larry will ask someone in the Health Dept. to speak. Michael will contact the Commissioner’s office for scheduling.
b. Donations: Picture and article in the 8/26/20 edition of T.C. Herald showing Jan Kowalsky giving TCCA donation to CASA. Picture and article in 9/9/20 T.C. Herald showing LaJean Turner giving TCCA donation to several members of Hamilton Gardens’ BOD. The Food Pantry donation presented by David Tinsley is pending.
c. Joint Development Auth.: Denise McKay is the Executive Director—The 8/17/20 meeting was conducted in an effort to establish an executive operational plan.
Page 2, TCCA Minutes 9/24/2020
7. Committee Assignments:
a. City of Hiawassee – LaJean and Joan reported City Council is adjusting a re-writing of the Hiawassee City Alcohol Ordinance for uniformity of regulations. City Council meetings remain on Face Book.
b. City of Y.H.- Anna: Sewer rates are being increased; they lost $95K+ last year on their sewer service. SPLOST funding is planned for constructing a pavilion at the Cupid Falls Park.
c. Commissioner-Joan: No meeting in September.
d. T.C. Water Authority-Larry: Currently in litigation with City of Hiawassee on $4+ water rate. Considerable complaints from their customers, number of meter problems, and a pump needs replacing.
e. Chamber-LaJean: Their Annual Meeting will be virtual this year, on November 5th. Notification of the request for a Chamber Board nominee was received; however, there was insufficient time given for a submittal.
f. CVB-David Best: At the August meeting Grant applications, fund distribution, and fund utilization by Grantees and the associated deadlines for each were discussed.
g. BRMEMC- Jan & Michael: Sept. is the Annual Meeting, which was a drive-thru voting event this year.
h. Co. Planning Commission-Dave Tinsley: No report.
i. Health Dept-Larry: Multiple financial and operational reports were distributed to the Board members. The Health Department has been very active and are financially stable for upcoming operations. The next quarterly meeting will be in October.
8. Other Business:
The Rotary Club is conducting their virtual Reverse Raffle with tickets @ $100. The Rotary is an outstanding organization for the benefit of local, national, and international communities.
9. Adjournment: There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made at 4:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 3:00 to be held at the Hamilton Gardens Pavilion.