Board Meeting Minutes
January 14, 2021 3 p.m.
Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse, Hiawassee
1.Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed all to the meeting, and thanks to the Hiawassee Garden Club for the use of their Clubhouse.
Present: Michael Courey, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Larry Dietsch.
Excused absence: David Best, LaJean Turner, Sue Astley.
Quorum: No quorum present, so no official business could be done. We have two empty seats on the Board that need to be filled. Please invite others that you think may be interested in being on the Board to our next meeting as a guest to observe.
2. Secretary’s Report: Minutes of 12/10/20 meeting were emailed to Board members.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Larry reported a balance of $4,204.87 as of 12/31/20. Revenues: Dues: $75; Expenses: $100-Chamber dues. Larry will pay $30 and submit an updated annual State Corporation Registration. A 2021 Budget was drafted and will be discussed at February meeting.
4. Membership Report: Anna reported 1 new individual member, otherwise the same count as last month.
5. Old Business
a. Web Site Update: David sent an email to all Board members detailing his work. He’s still working with Jan as she is still administrator of our web site, which they will work on to change to David, along with other issues of site improvement. Jan’s incurred previous expenses have been reimbursed to her.
b. Pandemic: Social restrictions continue and immunizations have begun in the County (see Health Dept. report).
c. Drug abuse: Michael has scheduled a meeting with the Commissioner and the new Sheriff for Jan. 21, 10 a.m. at the Sheriff’s Office (Upstairs at the Courthouse on back right hand side). It is an open meeting for Board member attendance.
d. Bell Mtn. Road: Status quo until spring when weather will allow road mitigation work.
6. New Business
a. Newsletter: Sue submitted the draft newsletter which was emailed to Board members. All agreed it was well done. Michael said Sue is currently out of town. The latest draft will be resent to the Board for final comment, then distributed to the membership via email by Anna.
b. Hamilton Gardens: A meeting was held on January 11th with the Gardens’ Board members, Commissioner Bradshaw and County Attorney Rob Kiker. Mr. Kiker will communicate with the Fair Authority and get back to The HG Board within 30 days with a solution.
c. Board Membership: As stated above 2 Positions are vacant and need to be filled.
7. Committee Assignments:
a. City of Hiawassee –Joan: Meetings are still online; Bonnie Hendrick completed training to be Certified Municipal Clerk for Hiawassee.
b. City of Y.H.- Anna: Mayor Gibby was named GMRC “Elected Official of the Year.” The bridge renovation on SR 66 is to be completed by 19 January.
c. Commissioner-Joan: Mountain Regional Library in Young Harris received funds from the 2021 County Budget. The County will pay for a Sheriff’s Office Deputy/Animal Control person and $30K for new uniforms and re-decal of a patrol car. As of 1/1/2021, County employees will receive $0.50 cent/hr raise. No Ad Valorem tax millage rate increase (same since ’08) planned for 2021 tax year. Debbie Phillips retired in Dec. 2020 and was given a plaque for 30 yrs. service as Towns County Public Library Director.
d. T.C. Water Authority- No report
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e. Chamber of Commerce-LaJean: 2021 planned events: Kayak fishing tournament on Jan. 23; a truck show in early June; Rat Rod Show in July; Golf Tournament in July; classes to be held on social networking; 80 relocation packets given out, mainly people from Fl. County population increasing.
f. CVB: No report.
g. BRMEMC- No meeting held for the public.
h. Co. Planning Commission: No report.
i. Health Dept-Larry: Next meeting planned for 1/21/2021. Covid-19 cases are on the rise in Towns County in January. Limited Vaccinations are now available from the Health Department. Plan immunizations soon to be available from, Synergy (Dr. Church), Ingles, CVS, Walgreens and Chatuge Hospital. Individuals who are eligible and wish to get the vaccine need to go to each website to get on a wait list. Towns County has had 26 total deaths attributed to the Covid-19 virus.
8. Other Business: None.
9. Adjournment: There being no further business, a motion to adjourn was made.
Next Meeting: DATE/TIME CHANGE Wednesday,10 February, 2021, at 2:00 the Hiawassee Garden Club.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Joan Crothers, Secretary TCCA Minutes 1/14/21