Board Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2021 2 p.m.
Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse, Hiawassee
1.Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed all to the meeting. A nomination was made to appoint Gordy Jones to fill one of the Director vacancies. LaJean made a motion to accept Gordy Jones as a TCCA Board Director; Anna Denton seconded, discussion, and motion passed. Gordy was asked to come in to the meeting and was welcomed as a Board member.
Present: Michael Courey, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, LaJean Turner, John Clemens, Gordy Jones.
Excused Absence: Larry Dietsch and David Best.
Quorum: Quorum present.
2. Secretary’s Report: LaJean made a motion to approve the minutes of the 2/10/21 meeting as previously emailed to the Board; seconded and approved as submitted.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Larry emailed his report, showing a balance of $3,756.57 as of 2/26/21. Motion made by Anna to approve; seconded and passed.
4. Membership Report: Anna reported one new member, making 122 individual memberships, 68 households, 8 HOA.
5. Old Business
a. Web Site Update: David submitted the Association web site report. The Membership form remains
‘inoperable/broken.” Currently 100 SPAM messages. David will review and delete. Our next step is
to change the billing from Jan Kowalski’s credit card to the TCCA debit.
b. Pandemic: Social restrictions are slowly easing.
c. County Drug Abuse: Michael met with Young Harris and Hiawassee Mayors, Commissioner and spoke to
the TCHS Principal Roy Perren. Y.H. Mayor’s sister works in drug program and Michael will contact the
appropriate State agency to invite their participation at the meeting. Perhaps an invitation to State Rep. Stan
Gunter is also appropriate. This forum cannot be scheduled for June, as indoor pandemic restrictions may
remain in place and the schools will be closed for summer by June. Perhaps early fall would be better.
d. Newsletter: Planned for an April release. Joan will contact the Commissioner, Gordy contact Mayor Liz, John
contact Mayor Gibby, to get several lines from them for the newsletter.
e. Hamilton Gardens: Gordy is current president of Hamilton Gardens and gave us an overview on GMF
agreement and the upcoming Bloom season.
6. New Business
a. Debit Card Status: Obtained with use limited to the Treasurer.
b. Rack Cards: LaJean will send a final draft and take to Mountain Graphics for printing.
c. Board Membership: LaJean said she will be coming off the Board in June, so we still need 2 more members.
Page 2, TCCA Minutes, 3/10/21
d. Budget FY7/1/21—6/30/22: We should get more new people and renewals at the June meeting, which may
enable a balanced budget. No raise in dues at this time. LaJean made a motion to accept this budget as
amended, adding $100 more for rack cards; Anna seconded, and motion passed.
e. Bench at Lloyd’s Landing: Mayor Liz has a bench similar to those at Hamilton Gardens she will give to
TCCA to put in an area at Lloyds Landing. A sign will be obtained. Thanks to Mayor Liz.
7. Committee Assignments:
a. City of Hiawassee –Joan: Meetings are still online. Council approved a new Water Dept. building. @ $50K; A new generator for one of the lift stations is needed to move sewage from T.C. Schools- $44K; Repairs @City Hall (roof, outside painting, lights on square) at $60K; EMI for EPD monitoring-$21,173.
b. City of Y.H.- Anna: Rezoning old EMC property for expanding permitted uses; new pavilion at Mayor’s Park rental fees at $125+$35 deposit for ½ day and $225+$50 deposit for full day.
c. Commissioner-Joan: The Commissioner’s office is now at full staff after several employees had the Covid virus infection; Spending freeze still in place; SPLOST funds purchased new dump truck at $30K, Fire rescue vehicle with a 2K gallon water pumper tanker; an accounting firm contracted to inventory equipment & accounts at Sheriff’s Office -$6,500; Hayes, James & Assoc. will conduct the Bell Mountain road improvements. The Commissioner and County Sheriff proclaimed Towns County as a “Gun Rights and 2nd Amendment Sanctuary.”
d. T.C. Water Authority- Michael: New office at same site (40×40) for to be constructed, proposed budget at $200k. Water rates have increased and additional rate increase may be necessary. Agreement with Hiawassee reached. Agreement available for review.
e. Chamber of Commerce-LaJean: Crystal is no longer at the Chamber, she’s working for Paradise Resort. Candice would appreciate volunteers to assist.
f. CVB: No meeting. John will be attending when conducted.
g. BRMEMC- No meeting held for the public yet, but Michael applied to attend when they start.
h. County Planning Commission: No report. David Best will go to next one.
i. Health Dept-Larry: No report.
8. Other Business: None
9. Adjournment: There being no further business, a Motion to adjourn duly made at 3:50 p.m.
Next Meeting: Wednesday,April 14, 2021, at 2:00 the Hiawassee Garden Club.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Joan Crothers, Secretary