Board Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2021, 2 p.m.
Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse, Hiawassee
1.Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed all to the meeting.
Present: Michael Courey, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Gordy Jones,
David Best.
Excused: John Clemens
Guest: Hiawassee Mayor Liz Ordiales. Michael welcomed the Mayor. She presented the purpose and intentions for the 10-Year Comprehensive Plan Survey as related to the County and both cities; the new Townhouse Development that City Council approved; updates to the water and waste water processing facilities, and the progress on the Paris buildings.
Quorum: Quorum present.
2. Secretary’s Report: Anna Dentonmade a motion to approve the minutes of the 6/2/21 meeting as previously emailed to the Board; seconded and approved as submitted. Larry Dietsch made a motion to approve the minutes of the 6/17/21 General Membership meeting as previously emailed to the Board; seconded and approved as submitted.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Larry reported a balance of $3,316.01 as of June 30, 2021. Motion made by Anna to approve; seconded and passed. Michael said he will work with Anna on the Mailchimp account.
a. Budget: The budget for 1 July 2021 through 30 June 2022 was presented. Discussion
occurred. Joan made a motion to approve; seconded and passed. Michael will email a copy
to all Board members. (see attached)
4. Membership Report: Anna reported 25 households had paid-up 2022 memberships, which includes 2 new members at the June 17th meeting.
5. Website: David’s status report listed updates and June Minutes that are now on our website. Gordy made a motion for David to subscribe to annual security plan ($70/yr.); seconded and passed.
6. Old Business
a. Scholarship donation: Presented by LaJean Turner in June as reported in the paper with a
photo and cutline
b. June 17th Membership Meeting evaluation: Consensus of opinion was that it was an
overall good meeting. The leftover sandwiches were taken to the Fire Station.
c. Hamilton Gardens Board Status: The recent newspaper articles and the Letters to the
Editor this week were discussed. The Hamilton Gardens logo needs to have a legal option as
to whether or not it can be retained.
d. Board Membership suggestions: LaJean has resigned from the Board. She contributed a great deal to our Association and the Community. Her presence and talents will be missed. A suggestion for a Board member was made; Stephen Soulen. Discussion occurred. He will be contacted to determine his interest.
Page 2, TCCA Minutes, 7/14/21
7. New Business
a. Newsletter: Complete during the month of July. Gordy; Hiawassee Mayor: John; Y.H.
Mayor: Joan: County Commissioner. Distribution problem may be corrected by the use of
our Mailchimp account.
b. Donation Schedule for 2021-2022: Michael will bring to next meeting.
c. Drug Abuse Program: Discussion, Liz mentioned a presenter that Michael will evaluate.
d. Y.H. Dog Park: The Association was asked to submit a note of support for use in the
Grant application for funding of the Cupid Falls Park. (see attached)
8. Committee Assignments:
a. City of Hiawassee –Joan: New amendment to Density Ordinance limits to 6 units/acre so
new townhouses will have 24 units on 4 acres; $600K grant received to revitalize Paris
buildings; only 7 in City still owe on property taxes; new light poles now on square with
new veterans’ banners; Tyler Osborne confirmed on DDA Board.
b. City of Y.H.- Anna: Held 2nd reading on ordinance to designate and regulate the use
Mayor’s Pk. & Cupid Falls for Park in order to enable law enforcement functions. No
decision made on the 39 Timberline Subdivision residents needing new water booster
pump ($150K); voted to pay $6,900 for new City website management over 4-year period.
c. Commissioner-Joan: Working with GDOT for a turn lane on West 76; Pickleball courts
being refinished at cost of $18K; Charley’s Creek being regraded to give Tate City a
second road in/out; reappointed Denise McKay Rep. on GMRC; The old Rec Center and
the Civic Center will be used as temporary locations for County Government activities
during the renovations of the Courthouse.
d. T.C. Water Authority- Michael: Meeting is next week.
e. Chamber of Commerce: Moonshine Cruz-in will be the end of this month.
f. CVB-John: No report.
g. BRMEMC- Just restarting their meetings for the public. Michael will attend.
h. County Planning Commission-David: They did meet. Signage for the car auction was
i. Health Dept–Larry: Next meeting will be 7/27/2021.
9. Other Business: None
Adjournment: There being no further business, motion to adjourn duly made at 4:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: CHANGE IN DATE: Wed., Aug. 18th, 2 p.m. @ Hiawassee GardenClub.
Respectfully Submitted
/s/ Joan Crothers, Secretary