Board Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2021, 2 p.m.
Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse, Hiawassee
1.Opening Remarks: Michael welcomed all to the meeting and said Stephen Soulen could not make today’s meeting. He introduced Jim Roberts, who works with him in Firewise.
Present: Michael Courey, John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Anna Denton, Joan Crothers, Gordy Jones, David Best.
Guest: Jim Roberts
Quorum: Quorum present.
2. Secretary’s Report: John Clemensmade a motion to approve the minutes of the 8/18/21 meeting as previously emailed to the Board; seconded and approved as submitted.
3. Treasurer’s Report:
a. Larry reported a balance of $3,591.04 as of August 30, 2021. Motion made by Anna
Denton to approve; seconded and passed.
b. Schedule of donations: David made the Sept. donation to MountainTrue and Joan will
put picture and article in next week’s paper. John will make the October donation of
$100 to Enotah CASA and get a photo and info. to Joan for the paper.
4. Membership Report:
a Anna sent out 41 post cards to renewal delinquent members.
b. She passed out a new membership list to each Director. Membership stands at 66
individual memberships, 35 households and 2 HOA’s.
c. Remove Nancy Moss from Membership listing.
5. Website:
a. David reported 29 website attacks, but no foreign ones.
b. He now has the Membership Application on the front page of Website.
c. Jan is still backup; he asked for a local member to be a current one and John
6. Old Business:
a. Hwy. 76 safety: Commissioner met with GDOT and they have agreed to widen for a
center turning lane where there is none, but no crosswalk at or near The Ridges
entrance. A reduction in the speed limit has not been indicated.
b. Board Membership suggestions: Please submit any names to Michael.
c. Newsletter: The next Newsletter is planned for December: Joan to interview the
County Commissioner; Gordy the Hiawassee Mayor; John the Y.H. Mayor. Be unique!
7. New Business
a. Donation Schedule: October: CASA November: Food Pantry, and April 2022: School Scholarship.
b. Drug Abuse Program Meeting: To be held October 11, 2021; speakers: Tamala Cooper-Coroner; Roy Perren, High Sch. Principal, and Connie Hobbs, Middle School Principal, and Dr. Van Horn, YHC, will submit students to speak. Flyers have been printed and Joan will get an article to the paper, hopefully for 2 weeks.
Page 2, TCCA Minutes 9/15/21
c. Board of Ed. work session: In attendance were Michael, John and Gordy. They were impressed with how nice school has been maintained. The Board of Education main discussion was on masks and sick leave. In 2020 10 days sick leave was paid by Federal Gov’t., but they aren’t doing that this year. No decision made on allowing County funded Covid sick leave.
d. GA Initiative for Community Housing Team: A community program Michael has joined and will report on. Towns County and both cities together applied for this housing program; selection decision will be in October.
8. Committee Assignments:
a. City of Hiawassee –Joan: The Mayor and 2 City Council members were happy they will not have to campaign, but need people to vote on the spirits referendum—it will bring in needed revenue for the City; First reading on millage rate voted to go from 2.067 to 1.977; last meeting on 2021 Comprehensive Plan was held on 9/9 and only 5 T.C. residents were present (Joan was one); Chief Smith said solar tag readers at either end of city on 7/31 read tags on 10,317 vehicles and these readers assist with law enforcement.
b. City of Y.H.: No report. Gordy will attend these meetings in the future.
c. Commissioner-Joan: Next week, Tuesday, 9/21 will be next meeting.
d. T.C. Water Authority- Michael: No significant new developments.
e. Chamber of Commerce: Joan will check with Candace about monthly report.
f. CVB-John: No report.
g. BRMEMC- No report.
h. County Planning Commission-David: Next Monday will be next meeting.
i. Health Dept–Larry: 10/21 will be next meeting.
j. Board of Education: Michael will attend the Oct. 4th meeting.
9. Other Business:
a. Chamber sent a post card asking for nominations for their BOD. John volunteered.
b. Joan will get prices on name tags with members’ names and our logo ASAP from
Mountain Graphics.
Adjournment: No further business, motion to adjourn duly made at 4:10 p.m.
No Board of Director meeting in Oct. because of the 11 October Drug Forum
Next Meeting: Wed., November 10th, 2 p.m. @ Hiawassee GardenClub.
Respectfully Submitted
/s/ Joan Crothers, Secretary