November 2021 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2021, 2 p.m.

Meeting Room of Hiawassee City Hall

1.Opening Remarks: Michael opened the meeting at 2 p.m. and welcomed all.

Present: Michael Courey, John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Anna Denton, Joan Crothers, Gordy Jones. Excused: David Best

Quorum: Quorum present.

2. Secretary’s Report: Larry Dietschmade a motion to approve the minutes of the 9/15/21 meeting as previously emailed to the Board; seconded and approved as submitted. No BOD meeting in October because of the General Membership (Drug Forum) meeting on 10/11/21.

3. Treasurer’s Report:

a. Larry reported a balance of $3,734 as of September 30, 2021 and $3,860 as of October

31, 2021. Motion made by Gordy Jones to approve; seconded and passed.

b. Schedule of donations: John Clemens made the $150 donation to CASA and Joan will

put picture and article in next week’s paper, after receiving the picture.

4. Membership Report: 56 Households for a total of 99 individuals,2 Homeowner Assoc., and 1 Business (GMF). Annawill send out post cards to delinquent members in Dec. saying their names will be removed from our list unless they want to pay $25 dues.

5. Website: Report Tabled.

6. Old Business:

a. Drug abuse program review: Only15 signed the membership sheet and 4 of those were BOD members, Community turnout was lower than anticipated. The speakers and students who spoke were excellent. The write-up in the paper was well presented. Joan sent speakers and students a thank you card.

b. Hamilton Gardens status: The BOD finished any connection with the Gardens on October 31st and will have their last BOD meeting on Nov. 15, 2021. GMF already has new signs.

c. New BOD name tags were made at Mountain Graphics–$10.50 ea. Well designed.

7. New Business

a. Newsletter: The next Newsletter is planned for December: Joan to interview the

County Commissioner; Gordy the Hiawassee Mayor; John the Y.H. Mayor. Be unique!

b. New building for TC Water & Sewer Auth.: Michael attended their last meeting and showed a drawing of the building which will stand near the present one.

c. GA Initiative for Community Housing: Michael is on this committee—a 3-yr. program that Towns Co. applied and has been accepted into. Further development pending.

d. Donation to the Food Pantry in Nov.: Michael will present the $100 check.

e. County Voter Precinct: John and Michael submitted the TCCA position (as approved by the BOD) on the subject of combining the Macedonia and Hiawassee precincts. The response memorandum from Ms. Janet Oliva (Board of Elections, Director) in appreciation of the TCCA support position was submitted to the Board for review.

8. Committee Assignments:

a. City of Hiawassee –Joan: Council accepted rollback on millage rate (2.067 to 1.977); Ashley Osborn was hired part-time by City Police Dept. Oct.: Halloween at GMF was a safer location; City sewer tie-on now $3500 from approx. $2500; City won its bid for Hamilton

Gardens’ Kabota for $9001; Liquor Store referendum passed; Police Chief reported 300K vehicles had driven thru Hiawassee. During the month of October; 51% fully Covid vaxed in City; all but a few property owners have paid their property taxes; “Ellawassee” (large wire elephant donated by HG@LC,Inc) to be placed at Lloyds Landing.

b. City of Y.H.-Gordy: Approved a $3,610 emergency repair for Stephens Rd. booster pump; approved $26 extra monthly fee to customers utilizing the special pump; Rollback millage rate to 2.346 down from 2020 rate of 2.479, City will hire its own Building Inspector—County no longer doing this; A draft 2022 budget is in the works.

c. Commissioner-Joan: Sept.: 1st reading on a revised permit structure for a Campground was presented. Restrictions to include NMT 2 RV campers per acre lot; County financial audit was conducted without negative findings. The Financial status of the County is very good; Sheriff Ken Henderson was recognized for being named “Sheriff of the Year by Governor’s Office of Highway Safety; BRMEMC proposes a $7 mill. grant for Towns Co. to obtain a fiber-optic Broadband Service; Stuart Nichols replaces Matthew Youngblood as Rec. Center Director.

d. T.C. Water Authority- Michael: The Serveline program for water loss and pipeline service will be evaluated and possibly made available to Service users. The monthly water bill can be sent via email. Easements request are being made for new water lines in the Frog Pond Community.

e. Chamber of Commerce: John Clemens will be on the Board of Directors as of January 2022.

f. CVB-John: GMF want more car shows; placed revised signs for Hamilton Gardens & discussed other plans for Gardens.

g. BRMEMC- Efforts will be made to comply with the new OSHA requirements as related to COVID worker vaccines. Resignations above 10% are anticipated. New vehicle purchases are hampered due to a lack of vehicle availability.

h. County Planning Commission-David: Report tabled.

i. Health DeptLarry: At the 10/21/21 meeting they reviewed their reports, financials showed balance of $462,149; Nursing Report: Covid-19 decreasing, 51% public vaccination rate.

j. Board of Education: No report.

9. Other Business:

Michael Courey resigned as President of TCCA as of this meeting The Board then voted and appointed Mr. Courey as a Director. This action (consistent with the TCCA Bylaws) immediately places Vice President John Clemens as President. The BOD will place a new VP at a subsequent meeting. John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, and Joan Crothers will need to go to United Community Bank for registering the officer change on the Association checking account.

Adjournment: No further business, motion to adjourn duly made at 4 p.m.

Next Meeting: Monday, December 13, 5 p.m. at Joan’s place, 341 Big Sky Dr., Hiawassee, (turn left at Barrett Ins. sign to the far end of building). Xmas party follows meeting—Pizza—bring your own drink.

/s/ Joan Crothers, Secretary