Board Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2022, 2 p.m.
Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse
Present: John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Gordy Jones, David Best, Michael Courey; Guest: Jesse Cook.
- Board Officers Reports
- Secretary’s Report: The reading of the minutes of the February 9, 2022 meeting was dispensed with since they had been emailed to the Board. Motion to approve was made by Larry; seconded and passed.
Quorum present.
b. Treasurer’s Report: Larry Dietsch also emailed his report showing a balance of $3,568.62 as of February 28, 2022. Motion made by Michael Courey to approve; seconded and passed.
c. Membership Report: Anna Denton sent 35 post card mailings in January, and with return memberships we now have 64 Households for a total of 113 individuals,2 Homeowner Assoc., and 1 Business (GMF).
d. Website: David said the SSL was the $94.99 Larry paid in Feb., and this month Website Domain Name will be due for $118. Blocked logins: 34. John and David will work together on putting Candidate Forum info. on the website, and start a Facebook account.
3. Committee Reports:
a. City of Hiawassee –Joan: All companies contacted on replacing window fronts on City Hall have not wanted to come this far to do this small a job. No bids were received on square mowing, so Mayor’s brother will be doing it. Timberlake parking area will have a new exit with curbing in between entrance/exit. After 3 years, GDOT approved an 811’ boardwalk beside Hwy. 76E from end of sidewalk to Mayor’s Park. An ice machine (3×6’ box) will be installed at Mayor’s Park, City will not have maintenance expense; Mathis Way sign is now replaced behind City Hall. Music on Square will start Memorial Day weekend and have 2 extra weeks this summer. Financial statements are finally caught up—Covid caused 4 month delay. Chief Smith gave Council & Mayor a draft for Noise Ordinance he created from several across the country.
b. City of Y.H.-Gordy: City has hired a new Finance Director; Timberline subdivision will need 2 pumps; sewer line repairs are out for bids. Two buildings on YHC campus that haven’t been used in several years will be torn down when classes are out this year and before Fall semester starts. 300’ ramp that was to be built at Cupid Falls was cancelled by unanimous vote of council.
c. Commissioner-Joan: County is in good financial shape with sales tax up. The old rec./Historical Soc. building is being renovated so all offices in the courthouse can be moved there while renovations at the courthouse are being done. However, supplies are slow to be delivered. SPLOST money to pay for all this is building interest in the meantime. Historical Society artifacts are being stored at the Old Rock Jail, so it will be closed to the public until all construction is completed. Commissioner signed a 120-day moratorium on crypto-currency mining permits with possibility of extending for any length of time. Replacement benches will be put out at the Veterans’ Park. You must call Building Supervisors Office to be sure permits conform to County regulations and Mtn. Protection Act.
d. T.C. Water & Sewer Authority- Michael:No report.
e. Chamber of Commerce-John: No report.
f. CVB-Michael: No report.
g. BRMEMC- Michael: The crypto-currency mining in Murphy used $167K of electricity last month—almost the same amount as 5 counties used (56K meters). Hanging Dog & Pine Log communities both now have fiber optic cable.
h. County Planning Commission-David: John & Michael also attended, along with a number of residents, some asking for variances. There doesn’t seem to be any real county planning from this committee.
i. Health Dept-Larry: Next meeting will be 4/21/22 and he plans to go.
j. Board of Education-John:Tax revenue is still very good. 8/4/22 will be first day of next year’s school.
- New Business
- Nominating Committee: Needs to be appointed for June elections.
- Political Forum update: John meeting with GOP & DEM. Parties this Friday. High School Principal Roy Perren will run PA system at school auditorium for forum from 2:30-4:30. Completed flyer was passed around. Will school provide tables?
- Old Business
- Board Membership suggestions: None
- Other Business: Jesse Cook was asked to be a Board member, but declined.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn duly made at 4:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: April 13, 2022 at Hiawassee Garden Club at 2 p.m.
/s/ Joan Crothers, Secretary