July 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting

July 13, 2022, 2 p.m.

Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse

Present: John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Anna Denton, Joan Crothers, Michael Courey, Gordy Jones, David Best.

l. President’s Report:

a. Welcome: John welcomed all Board members; no guests.

b. New issues for Discussion

i. Annual Membership Meeting

1. Wrap-up: 33 members (including Board) and 11 guests signed in. Even tho. the room was full, it was still low attendance, esp. with the subjects we had. Two articles had been in the paper and flyers were distributed.

2. Suggestions for next time: Put out more flyers, and have a mic for the speakers. Cyndi Daves at ReMax has one we can borrow.

ii. Quarterly Newsletter: Divide the newsletter by sections such as Safety, Utilities, Editorial, etc. Get input from Mayors, Commissioner, and Sheriff by August 1.

2. Board Officers Reports

a. Secretary’s Report-Joan: Motion made by Michael to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2022 meeting that were emailed to Board members; seconded and passed.

b. Treasurer’s Report-Larry:

i. June balance report: $3,453.28 with the following: Income: $284 dues; Expenses: $497.12 Membership Mtg. Motion to approve was made by Michael; seconded and passed.

ii. Year-end Budget 2022: Revenue: $1617, Expenses: $1,560, Total: $57.00.

iii. New Year Budget 2023: Have a year’s expenses in reserve-$2K; take off donations.

c. Membership Report-Anna:

i. Currently 69 Households, 122 individuals, 2 Homeowners, 1 business (GMF).

d. Website-David:

i. Content is up to date; there were 105 attempts to hack. WorkPress will be updated on 7/19 to version 8.0; Benefits: enhanced security and faster loading times.

3. Committee Reports

City of Hiawassee-Joan: Certificates were presented to Council member Nancy Noblet for 42 hours of Training and Amy Barrett for 72 hrs. of training. More training classes will be held in Sept. at Brasstown Valley Resort; each council member is allotted $1K each year to attend training in the state. City Court Clerk Sheryl Branson graduated with her Municipal Revenue Administration Certificate after her training.GA DNR EPD test on Hia. Sewer system passed with flying colors, Mayor said, thanks to Supervisor Clint Royce.She also talked about the TCCA Membership meeting (Towns Herald had a long article about it). There will be a Holocaust Garden with 1K daffodils being planted this Fall at Lloyds Landing in honor of the 1.5 mill. Jewish children killed . City water rates will increase 5.9% on July 1st bills. Denise McKay showed the new logo for Hiaw. DDA; they have a separate 501(c)3 for the Paris buildings; Towns Co. has had a 19.3% growth in the past 10 years (up to 2020).

At July 5th meeting: Walker, Pierce & Tuck CPA’s, Gainesville, were voted in to do City’s Financial Reports. Appalachian Concrete Service approved for sidewalk repair work for $33, 500, paid by LMIG Grant + SPLOST. Colwell Construction was approved for new sidewalk work for $101,190—additionaal grant of $70,835 + SPLOST.

City of Y.H.- Gordy: Forstanding water problems at Cupid Falls, a rain garden was recommended; GA Rural Water Assoc. gave the City wastewater treatment workers an award for “Outstanding Public Service” for reducing costs along with greater output; City Atty. Harkins will look into legality of hiring another engineering firm re: Timberline booster pump; Economic Dev. Dir. McKay submitted a grant request for up to $2.5 million to expand sewer infrastructure.

T. C. Commissioner-Joan: Contract was signed for 3 crews of Colwell detainees, 1 year for $147,954 (pays for guard, etc.); signed agreements with Legacy Link (Senior Center); renewal agreement w/UGA for Extension Agent + 1 employee: $4,406.

T.C. Water & Sewer Authority-Michael: No report, Michael had too many conflicting meetings; John said he would go—it is the 3rd Tuesday in each month at 6 p.m.

Chamber of Commerce-John: Met this morning, no replacement for Candace yet.

Convention Visitors Board (CVB)-Michael: No report, no meeting.

BRMEMC-Michael: They talked about electric cars, and availability to have enough charging stations.

County Planning Commission-David: Mainly enforcing Mountain Protection Act for new building permits.

Health Dept.Larry: No meeting yet.

New Business: None

Old Business: None

Adjourn: 4:45 p.m.

Next meeting: August 10th, 2 p.m. at Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse.

Joan Crothers, Secretary