August 2022 Board Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting

August 10, 2022, 2 p.m.

Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse

Present: John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Anna Denton, Joan Crothers, Gordy Jones, David Best, Michael Courey.

l. President’s Report:

a. Welcome: John welcomed all Board members and 1 guest, Jim Olson, and asked Jim to give a short bio. Then we went around the Board for each member to tell Jim who they are.

b. New issues for Discussion

i. Quarterly Newsletter

1. Suggestions for improvements: Everyone expressed the opinion that the current layout was very good.

2. Send copies to committee chairs: Yes, BOE Superintendent-Darren Berrong and CVB Chair-Ronnie Phillips were suggested.

2. Board Officers Reports

a. Secretary’s Report-Joan: Motion made by Larry to approve the minutes of the July 13, 2022 meeting that were emailed to Board members; seconded and passed.

b. Treasurer’s Report-Larry:

i. July balance report: $3,333.07. Motion to approve was made by Gordy; seconded and passed.

ii. Year-end Budget 2022 with adjustments: Revenue: $2,000, Less Expenses: $1,720, Total: $280. Gordy made a motion to approve; seconded and passed.

c. Membership Report-Anna:

i. Currently 71 Households, 123 individuals, 2 Homeowners, 2 business (GMF & Economic Development). Anna said postcards will be sent to delinquent members.

d. Website-David:

i. Content is up to date, except Newsletter, which will be worked on; there were 88 attempts to hack. Limited Login Attempts Reloaded Premium (company name) subscription was renewed on July 19, 2022 at the price of $69.99 for the coming year. The site was automatically updated to WordPress version 6.0.1. See attached report from David for further info.

3. Committee Reports

City of Hiawassee-Joan: July 25th –Mayor showed a video of the speeder inside City limits being chased by Deputy Tracey James w/lights on within City limits. Towns Sheriff contends James made an illegal stop outside City limits. This confrontation was caught on Deputy’s body camera. Still under investigation. City has an application for a third liquor store and the owner of one of the two liquor stores was present to ask the City Council to limit the number that can be within City limits. This had already been discussed and Council agreed to let the free market system be in control here. ARC has determined that Towns Co. is no longer an “at risk” county; Mayor thanked volunteers from MBRA for cleaning up the weeds at water’s edge at Mayors Park, and the work they started on the Holocaust Project at Lloyd’s Landing. A diver was hired to clean tank filter at Sewer Plant.

City of Y.H.- Gordy: No report

T. C. Commissioner-Joan: 8/19: Commis. signed several agreements: Contract was signed for 3 crews of Colwell detainees, 1 year for $147,954 (pays for guard, etc.); signed agreements with Legacy Link (Senior Center); renewal agreement w/UGA for Extension Agent + 1 employee: $4,406. He also opened the one bid received for an ambulance box and accepted that bid.

T.C. Water & Sewer Authority-John: No report.

Chamber of Commerce-John: Met this morning, no replacement for Candace yet. Next Business After Hours will be at the Paris Project on 9/14 at 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Convention Visitors Board (CVB)-John: Focus of meeting was to go over financial matters associated with the funds allocated to the various entities that had requested funding from the previous year. It was pointed out that several entities are not spending down their allotted funds or either they’re not doing the proper paperwork to report their spending. Welcome signs at both ends of the county need replacing, but getting a contractor has been difficult. Young Harris College was given the opportunity to design the new signage, but they have not responded as yet. Business at Brasstown Resort is back to pre-COVID levels and they anticipate this year’s revenue will result in somewhere close to the top 4 best years since in operation. Many businesses are struggling with labor issues with the primary reason being lack of affordable housing in the area. No solutions for this issue are apparent in the short-term, but discussions are active on possible options.

BRMEMC-Michael: There is no expected electric rate increase in the near future. There is no longer a contract required for fiber internet service. Rates are: $44.95 for 50 Mb; $49.95 for 75 Mb/s; $59.95 for 100 Mb/s; $74.95 for 250 Mb/s. The June 2022 electric outage was held to a minimum: 3800 homes experienced 45 minutes or less; 800 homes experienced 3 hours or less. There are 56390 electric meters serviced for all serviced Counties; Growth is approximately 110/month.

County Planning Commission-David: Talked about putting six cabins on 40 acres on Scataway; and doing more compliance with Mtn. Protection Act.

Health Dept.Larry: No meeting yet.

Board of Education: High School Principal Roy Perren will be retiring at the end of this school year. He is training his replacement.

New Business: 1. Date for our next membership meeting will be January 19th. This needs to be confirmed with Commissioner.

2. We will discuss issues in our By-Laws at the next meeting.

Old Business: None

Adjourn: It was duly moved to adjourn at 4 p.m.

Next meeting: Wed., September 14, 2 p.m. at Hiawassee Garden Clubhouse.

Joan Crothers, Secretary