Towns County Civic Association
Hiawassee City Hall – Upstairs
February 8, 2023
Present: John Clemens, Larry Deitsch, Anna Denton, Joan Crothers, Gordy Jones, Jim Olson, Michael Courey. Absent: David Best (out of town).
- Welcome: John greeted all and said he hoped for the best for David, who is in the Okefenokee Swamp.
- President’s issues for discussion:
- Discuss Membership Meeting-1/19/23: Consensus is the speakers were all very good, but attendance was less than hoped. GOP meeting at the same time could have been one cause. Lots of publicity, flyer and in the paper twice.
ii. Post Office issue: Both Y.H. & Hiaw. p.o.’s have run out of parking space. Y.H.-Thomas Paul Foster Estate holds the lease; Hiaw.-Alvin Gibson holds lease. More checking needs to be done as to leases and a possible “middle-of-the-county” site. Motion: Made by Anna to continue to pursue; seconded and passed.
iii. BOD mtg. visitor speakers: Tabled.
iv. Is 2024 the 20th Anniversary of T.C. Homeowners, now T.C. Civic Assn.?: Larry will check records.
2. Board Officers reports:
a. Secretary’s Report-Joan: Larry made a motion to approve the December & January minutes, which had been emailed to members earlier; seconded and passed.
b. Treasurer’s Report-Larry: Expenses for Feb. mtg.-$96.28, Website-Godaddy $99.99 (put on debit card); Income-Dues $75, making Jan. 31 balance $3,971.23. Anna made a motion to accept; seconded and passed.
c. Membership Report: Paid memberships: 55 Households (97 individuals); 1 Homeowner Assn.; 2 Businesses; Total 58 members. Anna also passed out a current membership list.
d. Website-David: No report (No service in the swamp).
3. Committee Reports:
a. City of Hiawassee: 1/30/23 mtg.—Zero debt-over $4 million old debts paid. $57K taken in from alcohol tax from April to November, 2022. New City Chief Jeremy Parker said they will restart leaving cards when they check businesses at night; cameras are being checked for whomever put graffiti on many places in City overnight on 1/15; new Deputy, Jose Carabaldi, speaks fluent Spanish and is working the night shift; TAP Transportation Grant will repair or have new sidewalks throughout City-$65K-80/20 split. Nations Dr. Rd. (behind Zaxbys to DDS) will be accepted as City Road.
- City of Young Harris-Gordy: Many North Mt. Zion Church of God members present, ready to erect metal building, but need proper permits. City getting new website for administrative billings. Bids have gone out for Timberline pumps. Paying to treat rain water—manholes need work. City has 85 new water meters in stock. City is outsourcing building inspections when needed. Grant was approved for a water scene on Hwy. 76 entering the City-MBRA volunteers will build.
- Commissioner-Joan: No meeting in Jan. Bradshaw at Commissions’ meeting out of town. Feb. meeting is 2/21.
- T.C. Water Authority-Jim: The recent deep-freeze was hard on water pipes; they’re looking into a website for problems like that. Frog Pond water is still a problem. Complaints about new building too tight for good air inside.
- Chamber of Commerce: New Ambassador Program started with 8 people, want 10; The Board renewed the advertising contract with 360 Degree Total Marketing company out of Atlanta area that is responsible for the Chamber’s web and Facebook efforts, cost ~$75K.
- Convention Visitors Board (CVB)-Jim: No meeting.
- BRMEMC-Michael: No report.
- County Planning Commission-David: No report.
- County Health Dept.-Larry: No rabies in county-program drops pellets in wild to inoculate animals against rabies. Elected same officers for 2023; vacancy for fulltime nurse.
- Board of Education-Jim: Work session: talked about several retirements—one being High School Principal Roy Perren, with Bryan Thomason taking his place; another is Joyce Rogers, after 30 years in the front office. New coach, Art Cartee, will take Coach Rob Benson’s position. Checked on air conditioning the big gym, but too expensive. Maintenance building now in use.
New Business
- Gordy is now helping in the high school welding class.
Next meeting: Wednesday, March 8, 2 p.m. Upstairs City Hall.
Joan Crothers, Secretary