Towns County Civic Association
Board Meeting, City Hall 2nd Floor
July 12, 2023 2 p.m.
1. President’s report: John Clemens
a. Welcome
b. Discussion on President’s issues
1. Membership Meeting wrapup discussion: Thursday, June 29, 6-8 p.m. at the Senior Center. There were 22 members present and 27 guests. Not a great turnout, but lots of side dishes were brought by the members, again lots of food left. Sandwiches were taken to the Fire Dept. Thanks to Barbara Carew who helped set up the food. Everyone was very engaged with GDOT speakers. Ryan Snow, Chatuge Hospital Administrator, did not show. John checked and he had a family health emergency that evening.
2. Board-officers reports:
- Secretary’s Report: Minutes of June 14th meeting were emailed and Michael made a motion to approve; seconded and passed.
- Treasurer’s Report-Larry: Emailed his reports. We have a balance of $3,815.84 and also included in his report was Budget vs Expenses for 7/22-6/23: Bud. $1,720, Exp. $860, No donations made. Motion to approve and have donations on hold until end of this year was made by Michael; seconded and passed.
- Membership Report-Anna: 58 households-98 individuals; 1 HOA (Ridgeview), 2 businesses (GMF & Hiaw. Economic Dev. 3 memberships gained and 1 rejoined at June mtg.; however, 2 members moved out of town.
- Web site-David: Paid the $79.99 requested for tech support, and updated Home Page, Calendar, Board Mtgs. Our website was down for 2 months.
3. Committee Reports:
- Chamber-John: Made in GA was 6/24-25 attendance down, but money only down $96 from 2022.: July 4th Boat Parade had 30 boats–most ever & all well decorated. DDA Fun-Raiser Sons of Sailors (Jimmy Buffett cover band), 7/15 at Ridges–tables sold out; Corn-hole Tournament, Beal Event Center 7/22 in Hayesville.
- City of Young Harris-Jim: Boy Scout Troop 125 attended; Boy Scout Jack Stowers received Certificate of Appreciation for helping at the Seafood Festival. Discussed Home Team project in Y.H. to go between EMC & Brasstown Valley Resort, with 49 apts., 1,2,& 3 bedrooms, $700-$1K rent (Sec.42 Hsg.,not Sec.8). Council adopted DCA’s (Dept. of Community Affairs) “Main St.” program which includes selection of a director, 5-person board & By Laws; all being worked on.
- City of Hiawassee-Joan:: 6/27: Home Team is working on 2 affordable housing projects; one in City of Hiawassee by the new Dunkin’ Donuts will have 54 units of 1,2, & 3 bedrooms for sale $193K-$223K; one in Y.H.; Brad Baso & Kim Buccieto discussed this in meeting. Both projects need to be approved by GA Dept. of Community Affairs. Mike Parrish (www Earth & Sky) owns property on Whiskey Mtn. (next to old water tank) and showed photos of the large winged dragon and castle-looking home he plans to build. Historical Society has been asked by City to manage the refurbishing of the recently purchased Berrong-Oakley House. EMC, MBRA, & City crew already took down 2 big, dying white pines in the yard. 7/1 mtg.: Council will vote to change the Hotel Motel Ord. from 5% – 8%.
- Commissioner’s Meeting-Joan: 6/16/23: The late Sheriff Jay Chastain, Sr. and the late Rev. Jimmy Rogers were recognized and honored with many members of their families present. Dist. 8 State Rep. Stan Gunter read the resolution he helped pass in GA General Assembly naming the area on Hwy. 76/288 where Chastain was shot while on duty 12/8/74 with a sign with his name. Gunter also read the resolution dedicating the new bridge over Brasstown Creek on Hwy. 66 in Y.H. as Rev. Jimmy Rogers Memorial Bridge. Also at the meeting Commissioner approved 926 checks for Homestead Exemption refunds, and had the second reading of the Health Dept. Ordinance discussed last month. He amended the 2023 Budget adding $91K to Gen. Insurance Expenditures–a 30% increase; adding $91K to Use of Fund balance $91K Revenue. He signed ACCT Contribution Renewal Worksheet & Property Schedule; and the contract w/UGA for County Agent Services (Jacob Williams). Janet Oliva has retired from the Board of Elections and Roy Perren was appointed in her place, Jeff Pierot appointed Republican Nominee 2023-27, Betsy Young, Republican Nominee-2023-25. It was announced that Southern Heat brought in $12K for T.C. 1st Responders in need (accident, death, etc).
e. T.C. Water & Sewer Authority-Jim: Getting close to on-line presence.
f. CVB (Convention Visitors Board) Jim: Board had minutes for last month’s meeting and they were approved. GMF was approved $10K for 2024 Car Show; New type of Egg Festival in May 2024, approved $5K.
g. Board of Education Jim: ESPLOST on Nov. ballot, which would raise Sales Tax to 8%.
h. BRMEMC-Michael: No increase in EMC price–TVA raised their price; 1½% growth in May
i. County Planning Commission-David: Meeting is next Monday.
j. County Health Dept-Larry: No Report/no meeting.
4. New Business from Board Members: Board hopes Barbara Carew will rejoin as a Director.
5. Old Business: None
Adjourn: Duly motioned at 4 p.m.; seconded and passed.
Joan Crothers, Secretary
Next meeting: August 9, 2 p.m. at City Hall, 2nd Floor.