Wednesday September 13, 2023; 2:00 pm
Hiawassee Garden Club
Present: John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Michael Courey, Jim Olson
Absent: Anna Denton, David Best.
1. President’s Remarks\Report – John
a. Welcomed those present, there were no guests.
b. Position on zoning: After discussion it was decided to wait until this month’s City Council Work Session to see if Council or Mayor has asked someone to speak on zoning.
c. Upcoming Newsletter: Several new names were suggested and John will contact to see if they will write a short article for our Newsletter.
2. Board Officers Reports
a. Secretary Report – Joan
i. Minutes August 2023 Meeting: Minutes of the August 9th meeting were emailed to Board Members, Michael made a motion to approve; seconded and passed.
b. Treasurer Report – Larry: August 31st balance is $3,932.86; $75 in dues. Motion to approve; seconded and passed.
c. Membership Report-Anna: Report was emailed. 61 Households, 1 HA, 2 Businesses.
d. Web site Update/Maintenance – David: David sent a short report: Site is up to date and has August minutes.
3. Committee Reports:
a. Chamber of Commerce – John: 9/13 mtg.: Ice Cream Social 9/21, 5:30-7:30; repairs to building are ongoing; Pres. Julie will speak at Commissioner’s mtg. 9/19, 5:30; $25K Championship Fishing Tournament on Lake Chatuge 9/29-30 & 10/1; Chamber is in charge of Costume Contest at “Fang”tastic Halloween at Fairgrounds; Chamber has received $11,045 CVB funds for advertising; 2023 Holiday Bazaar, 11/4-5, Rec. Center.
b. City of Young Harris -Jim: ‘22 Audit still in progress; $5,332 spent to repair the fluid pump at theSewer Plant; after residents complained, a Yield sign will be put at Brasstown Shadow Rd. and a stop sign will be put at Mineral Springs Rd. intersection. Timberline Booster Pump Project will be put out to bid the month of October and bids discussed at the November meeting.
c. City of Hiawassee – Joan: 8/28 Work mtg.: Parrot Feather weed is again growing in the lake; freezing temps did not kill it. Should be addressed soon. New filters at the water plant. Good crowd at GA Mtn. Fair; Halloween will be at GM Fairgrounds again. A public meeting on Overlook Homes will be on 9/7, 6 p.m. at Civic Center. Grant of $10,333 on Paris Business Center (PBC) with City match of $93K. Denise McKay talked about the Firefly Project in the City; PBC work being done in back of building. Anne Mitchell brought up zoning discussion, ending with the need for someone to come to tell citizens details on zoning, overlay zoning in City, etc.
d. Berrong-Oakley House-Joan: 9/11 Historical Soc. mtg.: Berrong-Oakley House was bought for $290K out of $350K Covid funds; original 1902 blueprints of the house were sent to Hist. Society/City; cost to build was $2800, cost to restore estimated at $250K; Chimney has been fixed and underground electricity has been connected; a Preservation Designer has been hired with money from a donor.
e.Towns Co. Commissioner-Joan: 8/15/23 Courthouse update-Old courtroom wooden benches have been saved to go into Probate Judge’s new courtroom. Work is progressing well. Tax and SPLOST collections are still good. County has only one detail of detainees instead of three as in the past. Union/Towns Co. Agent Jacob Williams & 4-H Leader Carrie Bradshaw gave a report on 4-H Achievement Program, taking 4th-7th graders on a Farm Tour of 18 stops over 4 days; kids all loved it. Williams will talk about the new ag building at T.C.Schools at some future Commissioner’s meeting. A plaque was presented to Candace Lee for her retirement from 13 years as the Chamber President. Julie Payne is current president and planning Halloween at the Fairgrounds again this year.
f. Towns County Water Authority – Jim: Highflow insurance, such as City of Hiawassee has had, will be offered to TCWA residents.
g. Convention and Visitors Bureau-Jim: No meeting.
g. Board of Education – Michael: ESPLOST that will be on the Nov. ballot was discussed, along with the plans for the new Ag building.
h. BRMEMC – Michael: Annual meeting was well attended, Shirley Miller (Mrs. Zell Miller) was the main speaker. A $2.50 increase will be on your electric bill under Customer Charge so everyone pays. This is due to TVA raising their price.
i. County Planning Commission – David: No report.
j. County Health Department – Larry: Next meeting will be in October.
4. New Business Submitted from Board Members: None
5. Adjournment: Duly voted to adjourn at 4 p.m..
Next Meeting: October 11, 2023, 2 p.m. Hiawassee Garden Club.
Joan Crothers, Secretary