Wednesday March 13, 2024; 2:00 pm
Hiawassee Conference Room 2nd Floor
Present:John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Michael Courey, David Best, Jim Olson. Guest: Steven Harper
Absent: Joe Liguori
1. President’s Remarks-John:
a.Steven was welcomed to the meeting and introduced.
b.Membership Meeting
i.. Since there will be Election of Officers this year, this Nominating Committee was formed: Chair-John Clemens, 2 Volunteers-Larry Dietsch and Michael Courey.
ii. The offices of Sheriff and Clerk of Court are the only two that have opposing candidates, but the GOP already has them signed up for a forum. Discussed inviting Jay Chastain, Hiawassee Mayor Pro Tem, to tell his platform to fill the Mayor’s 2025 year of office. Mayor Ordiales is to step down sometime this year. Chastain will be asked.
2. Board Officers Reports:
a. Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the February 2024 meeting were emailed; Motion to approve was duly made, seconded and passed.
b. Treasurer’s Report: Larry reported a February balance of $3,203.21 with a $500 donation to Parrot feather. To offset that expense David credited TCCA account with $150 and John $100. A motion to approve was duly made, seconded and passed.
c. Membership Report: Anna said there has been no change since last month; she will send out postcards before the next meeting.
d. Website Update: David said the Home page is mostly current–he and John will get together and enhance site a bit. Site health is rated good by WordPress, and Domain name has been renewed for 2 years, costing $44.34.
3. Committee Reports
a. Chamber of Commerce-John: Wearing of the Green for St. Patrick’s Day, a Gift Basket from 8 businesses will be held for customers wearing green. 1st quarter Bus. after Hrs. at the EMC building had 30 members who had dinner and a tour of their building. Ribbon-cutting at Bojangles on Mach 19.
b. City of Young Harris-Joe: No report.
c. City of Hiawassee-Joan: March 5th, Reg. mtg.: Council accepted 3 DDA resignations, Efren Lopez, Monica McKenna, & Mayor Liz Ordiales; and accepted Paul Smith, Steven Harper & City Council memberAmy Barrett as new DDA Board members. Council also approved ARC grant money ($42,166.74) to be paid back to DDAfor work they had done in ‘23/’24 on the Paris Business Center. Council approved a joint retreat for future planning with DDA in May, costing $1,750 for site & facilitator. City voted to donate $20K to Parrot feather fund.
d. Commissioner’s Meeting-Joan: Feb.20: Public tours of the newly renovated courthouse should be in early April, depending on weather allowing the parking/landscaping in front to be completed. Commissioner signed a Budget Revenue addition–SO Insurance reimbursement, and a Budget Expenditure addition–SO Vehicle repair. Also signed an Internship Program Grant Agreement for this summer ($3,259); a contract with GMRC for Firefighters Grant Application Service of $3,60K for a new truck; and a USDA Food Program for T. C. Daycare. Callie Moore said the Lake Chatuge Parrot feather fund is up to $300K+.
e. Towns Co. Water & Sewer Authority-Jim: Meeting is next Tuesday.
f. Convention Visitors Board (CVB)-Jim: No meeting; next meeting 4/9.
g. Board of Education-Michael: They were very happy E-SPLOST passed because the $1.75 million grant from the state, funding the new ag building now has a bid of $2.4 mill. They also had to buy a new lawnmower.
h. BRMEMC-Michael: No report.
i. County Planning Commission-David: No report.
j. County Health Dept.-Larry: Towns County Board of Health met January 25, 2024. The first order of business was the election of officers. The same officers were elected. They reviewed the Environmental Reports, Nursing Report and Financial Reports. The financials are in good shape. The fund balance is $531,077. The nursing report reviewed immunizations and annual training. Dr. Zachary Taylor, Director of District 2 Public Health, and his associates, presented a report on “State of Health: Towns County.” Childhood diseases are on the rise in many states, including GA, because many young children are not getting immunity shots.
4. Old Business: Motion was duly made accepting Joe Ligouri as a Board member of TCCA; seconded and passed.
5. New Business
a. Banner: It was agreed by those present to get a new TCCA banner made. John had several designs that were voted on.
b. Speaker/member: Steven was asked to invite Jay Chastain to speak at the June meeting & to be a member of TCCA. Also ask DDA to be a member of TCCA and we would donate $100 to them.
c. Change date of meeting: Motion was duly made to change our meeting date and time to the second Monday of each month @ 2 p.m. (City Hall upstairs); seconded and passed.
6. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 3:30 p.m., seconded and passed.
s/s Joan Crothers, Secretary
Next Meeting: Monday, April 8, 2024, 2 p.m. at City Hall, upstairs meeting room.