Monday, May 13, 2024; 2:00 pm

Hiawassee City Conference Room 2nd Floor

Present: John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Jim Olson, Joe Liguori. Steven Harper

Absent: Michael Courey, David Best.

1. President’s Remarks-John:

a. Welcome

b. Prepare for Membership Meeting

i.Election Process for TCCA Officers/Directors vote: Larry sent a form for voting to members.

ii.Mail out membership renewals: Anna will send out postcards after 6/1.

iii.Inviting speakers: Commissioner Bradshaw; Y.H. Main St., Rosemary Royston; candidate Rep. Stan Gunter; Dem. Chair Charlotte; Jay Chastain (possible Hiaw. Mayoral Candidate).

iiii.Other ideas: Have Jacob Williams write an article for Newsletter re: “GMO’s in our food.”

2. Board Officers Reports:

a. Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the April 2024 meeting were emailed; Motion to approve was duly made, seconded and passed.

b. Treasurer’s Report: Larry reported an April balance of $3,253.87. Income: $45-dues, Expenses: None. A motion to approve was duly made, seconded and passed.

c. Membership Report: Anna gave out her report of 46 total memberships-72 individuals; she will send out postcards closer to the Membership meeting after 6/1. She and Joan sit at a Greeters table.

d. Website Update: David reported Site Status: Home page up to date, Calendar of events updated thru May 2024, April Board Minutes posted.

3. Committee Reports

a. Chamber of Commerce-John: Wearing of the Green Winner, Aubrey Scarborough- Retail Partner, Tri County Office Supply. We had over 115 entries returned. Made in Georgia will be on 6/28-29. Accepted and paid – 50 vendors,13 more vendors expected. Six new members this month.

b. City of Young Harris-Joe: Council discussed getting a “Special Use Permit” for modular homes. The old Fire Station in Y.H. will be demolished as the building cannot be repaired. Dr. Kelley’s new apartment complex: 33 acres, 44 units; City annexing this property and considering a 3 story variance and a parking variance which will be on the agenda at the City meeting on June 4th. Their Seafood Festival will be 5/31.

c. City of Hiawassee-Joan: No report.

d. Hiawassee Planning Committee-Joan: 4/23 meeting to advise contractors that they needed permits for work they were doing without permits. No contractors showed up. Building Inspector Randy Day was present and discussed with the Committee members what should be done. By law, permits are required for any type of construction or installations (elec., plumbing, etc.) to any building or addition to a home or trailer in the City. Those above 2200’ need to also comply with the Mtn. Protection Act. Violators will face double permit fees, daily fines until permit is obtained, and if no permit, a Stop Order can be issued by the Mayor.

e. Commissioner’s Meeting-Joan: Resolution signed extending Moratorium on construction, remodeling or renovation of any building or occupancy permits for any new or existing structures within Enchanted Valley RV Resort. Resolution signed authorizing the formation of the T. C. Fire & Rescue Auxiliary with the opening of a checking account for same. Contract signed with GDOT for purchase of new Transit Van.

f. Towns Co. Water & Sewer Authority-Jim: New resident of the county, Scott Cannon, requested council give him info. regarding water service requirements on his newly-purchased property. Maintenance reports repairing 7 leaks over the reporting period. Service department continues to maintain an open position for a qualified individual. Office manager is processing an “Asset Management Plan” mandate as ordered by the State of Georgia Environmental Protection Division in order to acquire a necessary permit. Office manager requested a new GPS locator for office use.

g. Convention Visitors Board (CVB)-Jim: No May meeting.

h. Board of Education-Michael: No report.

i. BRMEMC-Michael: No report.

j. County Planning Commission-David: No report.

k. County Health Dept.-Larry: April 18th meeting: They reviewed the Environmental Reports, Nursing and Financial Reports. Financials are in good shape with a balance of $589,858. The 2025 Budgets were presented and approved. The TCBOH Body Art Regulations were repealed and the county will follow the State regulations. Dr. Zachary Taylor, Dir. of District 2 Public Health, and his associates presented a report on “Lead and HealthyHomes Program.”

5. New Business: None

4. Old Business: Who brings what to the membership meeting June 25th will be finalized at June 10th meeting.

5. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 4 p.m., seconded and passed.

Next Meeting: Monday, June 10, 2024, 2 p.m. at City Hall, upstairs meeting room.

s/s Joan Crothers, Secretary