Monday, June 10, 2024; 2:00 pm
Hiawassee City Conference Room 2nd Floor
Present: John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Jim Olson, Joe
Liguori, Michael Courey, David Best.
Absent: Steven Harper.
Guest: Andy Williams, Perspective member.
1. President’s Remarks-John:
a. Welcome, John gave Andy short info on TCCA; he would be an Exefficio member.
b. Larry made a motion to nominate Steven Harper as Vice President; seconded and
c.Prepare for Membership Meeting
i. Larry sent a form for voting to members; however, only a few have been received.
ii. Mail out membership renewals: Anna has sent out postcards and we usually get
quite a few member renewals and new members at the June meeting as they come in.
iii.Inviting speakers: Commissioner Bradshaw; Y.H. Main St., Rosemary Royston;
candidate Rep. Stan Gunter; Dem. Chair Charlotte; Jay Chastain, Hiaw. Mayor Pro
Tem. All have said they are coming.
iiii. Duties for meeting: Larry-100 Chicken fingers from Ingles, plus mashed
potatoes; John-Cups, paper products & small sodas; Michael-2 bags of ice in cooler;
Joan-Bowl & scooper for ice.
2. Board Officers Reports:
a. Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the May 13, 2024 meeting were emailed; Motion
to approve was duly made, seconded and passed.
b. Treasurer’s Report: Larry reported a May 31st balance of $3,323.87. Income:
$70-dues, Expenses: None. Larry also gave us a “Budget vs Expenses” sheet for FY
7/23-6/24. A motion to approve was duly made, seconded and passed.
c. Membership Report: Anna gave out her report of 45 total memberships-74
individuals; 2 Hoa’s; 1 business (GMF). She sent out postcards. She and Joan sit at a
Greeters table and many bring their dues up to date at that time.
d. Website Update: David reported Site Status: Home page up to date, Calendar of
events updated thru June 2024, May Board Minutes posted. Motion made and passed
to pay $69.99 to keep site safe from takeovers.
3. Committee Reports
a. Chamber of Commerce-John: 90 vendors already signed up for “Made in GA”;
$4300 spent for Shopping bags to give out.
b. City of Young Harris-Jim: “Affordable housing” development,Valley Trail, LHC
Young Harris, LLC, will be for families & seniors. This will be 44 units on a 33 ac.
plot, applicants will be means tested to qualify, and the operation will be staffed for 30
years. Wastewater repair quote is $13,400. Timberline booster pump project is “ready
to start.”
City of Hiawassee-Joan: Per the Mediation Agreement with the City of Hiawassee,
Mayor Ordiales resigned June 14, 2024 leaving a year and one-half still left of her
term. Mayor Pro-Tem Jay Chastain will finish out this ½ year and then there will be
an election for Mayor in November. At the end of the meeting the Mayor ran a video
telling the accomplishments she has made for the City during her term in office; this
was also in the newspaper. FY2025 Budget was approved, any amendments will be
done at a later date.
e. Commissioner’s Meeting-Joan: The Court house renovation is finished, and the
Commissioner had 2 different tour days, 6/4 & 6/6. Air Methods contract was
renewed (for 8th year) which provides air ambulance services to residents of the
county. The Welcome Signs at each end of the County are completed.
f. Towns Co. Water & Sewer Authority-Jim: Financials continue to look better.
Maintenance repaired 7 leaks and 8 meters; one lift station needs to be replaced. No
reports from anyone about adverse effects of the parrot feather treatments.
g. Convention Visitors Board (CVB)-Jim: Meeting tomorrow.
h. Board of Education: Next school year (2024-25) was discussed: Fundraisers,
Field Trips, Technology items and Buses for surplus, and number of lockers needed
for middle (100) and high school (200).
i. BRMEMC-Michael: No report.
j. County Planning Commission-David: Members approved a number of lot
changes. Rainbow Ridge wants variances, but this was tabled.
k. County Health Dept.-Larry: No meeting.
5. New Business: None
4. Old Business: Discussed under President’s Report.
5. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 4 p.m., seconded and passed.
Next Meeting: Monday, July 8, 2024, 2 p.m. at City Hall, upstairs meeting room.
s/s Joan Crothers, Secretary