October 2024 Board Meeting Minutes



Monday October 14, 2024, 2:00 pm

T. C. Courthouse Conference Room 2nd Floor

Present: John Clemens, Larry Dietsch, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, David Best, Jim Olson, Michael

Courey, Andy Williams, Leslie Howard. Guest: David Lamon.

1. President’s Remarks\Report – John

a. Welcome

i. Newest Member, Leslie Howard, was welcomed to the Board as a Director. It was

suggested that new or prospective members read the By-Laws & go to any of the City/County

meetings. Leslie’s email address is: [email protected]

b. Discuss Code of Conduct and Assignment Form:

Michael will work on an amendment to the By-Laws that will make this document


c. Newsletter: John would like to publish every 2 months; all agreed. This will begin in


d. Special Report David Best:

David will work with Joan on his concerns at the Recycling Center.

Board Officers Reports

d. Secretary Report -Joan

Minutes of the Sept. 9th meeting were emailed to all; motion to approve was seconded and


e. Treasurer Report – Larry: His computer crashed, so we only have the bank statement

that shows a balance of $4,029.37.

f. Membership Report – Anna: Households-56, Individuals-93, HOA’s/Bus.-3; Anna will

send postcards to “soon to be expired” members at the end of the month.

g. Web site Update/Maintenance – David: Everything is up-to-date.

2. Committee Reports (significant issues)

a. Chamber of Commerce – John: 10/2024 Four new members joined this month; 75

packets were mailed; Halloween at Fairgrounds on 10/31, 5-8 p.m.; Holiday Bazaar will be

Nov. 2-3 at Foster Park Rec. Center.

b. City of Young Harris – Anna: 9/10 mtg. Budget adjusted for: increased insurance cost, a

new maintenance truck paid for in full, engineering costs as to water & waste water treatment.

Second reading & enactment of 14 changes to building types, lot sizes, PUD construction. GDOT

damaged water lines being rerouted because of bypass, their contractors are being billed. New water

main section is tested and turned on w/green light. Old EMC building has been sold.

c. City of Hiawassee – Joan: 10/1-Ornamental Structure Ord. had a second reading and

Council approved the changes in defining ornamental structures and where they can be

located. Council also approved the second reading of the Manufactured Home Density Ord.,

no trailers on less than ½ acre. The 2009 3rd filter for the Water Plant has received state

approval, now the City can rebuild the original two filters. A new meter has been installed at

the Fairgrounds; 2 leaks were found, 10K gallons each. Goal is to get all City leakage down

to 15%. Police Chief Jeremy Parker & staff now have two new patrol cars.

d. Towns County Commissioner – Joan: Bradshaw said that he would not be raising

the millage rate, he will accept the rollback. He also signed a renewal lease with the T.C.

Board of Education for the Veterans Memorial Park; signed a retention raise for the Sheriff’s

Office & Jail employees; and signed the final payment for the Courthouse Addition/

Renovation contract which came under budget at $10,292,136, all paid by SPLOST.

e. Towns County Water Authority – Jim: New meter readers in trucks are working well.

EPD wants all water systems in GA under their control to be lead compliant. Core meter map for

Authority sent to Hiawassee Mayor.

f. Convention Visitors Board (CVB) – Jim: Chair said they have paid $900 insurance and

prepaid advertising and GA CVB Assoc.

g. Board of Education – No Report

h. BRMEMC – No Report

i. County Planning Commission – David: Five permits to cut trees under Mountain

Protection Act were approved. Two variances for outback buildings were approved. Moratorium on

Enchanted Valley doing any building is still in effect, per Commissioner Bradshaw.

j. County Health Department – Larry: Quarterly meetings.

3. New Business: None

4. Adjourn: Duly motioned at 4:20 p.m.

Joan Crothers, Secretary

Next Meeting: To be Determined.