November 2024 Board Meeting Minutes



Wednesday, 11/13/2024, 2:00 pm

T. C. Courthouse Conference Room 2nd Floor

Present: John Clemens, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Jim Olson, Andy Williams, Leslie Howard.

1. President’s Remarks\Report – John

a. Welcome

b. Larry’s resignation as Treasurer: Larry Dietsch has resigned due to other commitments. Anna Denton made a motion to nominate Leslie Howard for Treasurer; seconded and unanimously approved. Leslie’s email address is: [email protected]

c. Vice President: John reminded everyone that he still needs a Vice President. Joan Crothers nominated Andy Williams; seconded and unanimously approved.

b. Discuss Code of Conduct and Assignment Form:

Table to the December meeting.

c. Newsletter: John would like to publish every 2 months.; all agreed. This will begin in 2025. Next one should be around 12/13/24. It will include Holiday Wishes from Commissioner & both Mayors, and an article by Jacob Williams on Holiday Fires.

d. Special Report: Caleb’s Veterans Project: He & John are scheduled to talk to Amer. Legion about the project. Andy will talk to Brown Haven about wood to use for memorials.

Board Officers Reports

d. Secretary Report: Minutes of the Oct 14th meeting were emailed to all; motion to approve was seconded and passed. Joan will resend to several who didn’t receive.

e. Treasurer Report: Larry’s statement for Oct. 31st shows a balance of $4,139.37.

f. Membership Report – Anna: Households-59, Ind.-98, HOA’s/Bus.-3(same as last mo.);

g. Web site Update/Maintenance – David: Everything is up-to-date. Site health status is good by WordPress; still lots of spam-nothing local; and gmail account is secure.

2. Committee Reports (significant issues)

a. Chamber of Commerce-John: October Office Stats: Vacation Packets Mailed/Emailed: 175 (includes hotel packages),Visitors: 132, Calls: 163. Holiday Bazaar 11/2-3, had 70 vendors & Deck the Rec had 5 Christmas trees decorated by members, attendance was down. Halloween at the Fairgrounds- Costume contest- great turn out. New Members since last board meeting: Big Bear Wine & Spirits; Georgia Mountain Scottish Festival Highland Games; Subway of Hiawassee; Brett McKeon-realtor C-21 Black Bear.

b. City of Young Harris -Anna: Public Hearing for 2025 Proposed Budget schedule for 6 p.m. on 11/14; Towns Co. Tax Office will bill & collect City taxes for a fee of 1% interest (3-Yr. test period). A new lift station pump for Laurel Hill was approved; cost $4,850. Approved 4 building permits for John Kelley’s development. Work will start in 2 wks. on Timberline Booster Pump. Hwy. 76 Bypass had problems with a 200K gal. water leak. Main St. Master Plan was approved. Vintage Trail property was annexed into the City in August, but not reported to the state. Problems with car wash water drainage; they are required by law to have a grease trap.

c. City of Hiawassee – Joan: 11/7- The 2009 3rd filter for the Water Plant will not increase the plant capacity, but be a back-up when either of the other 2 filters need maintenance. Leaks are still being repaired; SCADA meters (a computerized system) are being put down on main lines to pinpoint leaks. No lead pipes found in City water lines; now letters addressing this & tracking of those letters to City’s 452 customers will be done by a separate company. 13 Alcohol Licenses were renewed, plus the 3rd liquor store in the City opened next to Dollar General. AirMedCare contract ($5,390) renewed. Council voted on purchase of an aerator for the Wastewater Treatment Plant to eliminate odors. At the regular meeting on 11/12: issue of new computers for City Police was tabled; also tabled lease agreement for Paris Business Center. Other items approved.

d. Towns County Commissioner – Joan: 10/14: Tax Commissioner Anderson explained that the reassessment value of property is based on state-mandated sales ratios; Towns Co. has been at the low end of that ratio and still is. The tax assessors in Towns Co. are state trained and have to go by state standards. The “Commissioner” that is spoken of in the code is the Commissioner of Revenue, not your local county commissioner. State Homestead Exemption Tax of $193.28 added last year has expired. Resolution was signed amending property setbacks to be 20’. New floor will be put in the entry of the Recreation Building, and the County gave the Food Bank $7500.

e. Towns County Water Authority – Jim: Meeting will be Nov. 19th.

f. Convention Visitors Board (CVB) – Jim: Had a workshop, approved all members. Year 2025 grants: $35K to Chamber; $3K to DDA; $20k to GMF for Scottish Festival.

g. Board of Education – 11/4: Aug., Sept., Oct. sales tax is $892K (last yr. $898K); receipt of the property tax digest and rollback millage rate figures is later than in past years. Enrollment: Elem.-439; Middle-202; High-278.

h. BRMEMC – No Report

i. County Planning Commission -David: 10/21: Justin Moss & partner are finished with current building project, Angel’s Cove, on Main St. in Hiaw. across from Sundance. Now plan to develop 4.7 acres below Fun World with six multi-occupancy units. Could have 26 residences, and commercial, dog park & green space. Discussed possible issues.

j. County Health Department – Larry: 10/24 They reviewed the Environmental, Nursing and Financial Reports. The financials are in good shape; fund balance is $490,088. There were 51 septic permits compared to 31 last year (60% increase). Food services facilities were 62 compared to last year’s 55. Dr. Zachary Taylor Director of District 2 Public Health provided a report on rabies for the district. In 2023 Towns had 23 bite investigations with zero positives. Cases are down due to vaccinations, including the bating program which helps vaccinate wild animals.

3. New Business: None

4. Adjourn: Duly motioned at 4:15 p.m.

Joan Crothers, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, Dec. 9th, Joan’s Villa at 5 p.m. 1 hr. meeting and then Xmas party. We’ll have pizza. Bring what you’d like to drink and cookies or whatever. Wives are welcome.