February 2025 Board Meeting Minutes



Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 1:00 pm

Towns Co. Courthouse, 2nd Floor Conference Room

Present: John Clemens, Andy Williams, Leslie Howard, Joan Crothers, Anna Denton, Micheal Courey, Jim olson. Guests: Amy Barrett, David Lamon.

1. President’s Remarks\Report – John

a. Welcome

b. February Meeting

i. Announcement on Caleb Taylor’s Proposal: John spoke with several people and has decided that this would not be a good fit for TCCA in the future. He will talk to Caleb and his grandmother and explain this.

c. Membership Meeting

i. Date: Will now be Thursday, March 6, @5 p.m. at the Civic Center in Hiawassee. TCCA BOD needs to be there at 4 to set up tables/chairs, etc. The speakers have not been finalized, so when they are, flyers will be put out, & article in the paper.

ii. Assignments: Leslie will order 100 piece chicken tenders, mashed potatoes & green beans for 75 from Ingles; Andy will bring 2 bags of ice in a cooler & Joan will bring bowl & scooper for ice; BOD and public will bring salads, side dishes or desserts; John will bring table cloths, paper plates & cups and a few bottles of soda; Anna will bring tongs & serving spoons.

d. Contributions from TCCA

i. Need a list: T.C. Food Pantry (discontinued Student Backpack Weekend Program-no money); Caleb Taylor – Guardians of Freedom; Ms. Garrett’s Shop Class at school/other scholarships: Andy checked with her and students can always use scholarships.

ii. Others? Bring ideas to next meeting.

2. Board Officers Reports

d. Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the 1/8/25 meeting were emailed to all; motion to approve was seconded and passed.

e. Treasurer’s Report: Leslie passed out copies of 1/31/25 report which shows a checkbook balance of $4,213.62–Income: 4 dues, Expenses–Leslie Howard–$35, Go Daddy & TCCA Corp Renewal–$99.90. Motion duly made to approve; seconded and passed

f. Membership Report – Anna: Thesame figuresas last month:Households-73, Ind.-124, HOA’s/Bus.-4. Anna cautioned that $510 of treasury balance is prepaid dues ‘26-’28.

g. Web site Update/Maintenance – David: He is in Florida & emailed that he put Jan. 2025 minutes on the website.

2. Committee Reports (significant issues)

a. Chamber of Commerce-John: Burger Week Plus had over 100 Passports returned-Bert Gleaton was winner. Approx. 400 registered at BVR for GPACS (GA. Professional Assoc. of Community Supervision), 2/18-21. T.C. GOP Community Info. Night, 2/20 at Sr. Center, 5:30.

b. City of Young Harris -Anna: HB581 – Homestead Exemption–1st Public Hearing on Tues., 2/4/25, 2nd & 3rd on 2/18-19 to discuss possible opting out. Timberline Booster Pump–hope to complete by the end of Feb.; New water lines will be installed to Townsend Mill Rd.

c. City of Hiawassee – Joan: Reg. mtg. 2/4/25: Pipe split & road repair in front of Sundance Grill, Cost: $738 4.37 steel plates, $350 welding; $2,006 concrete; $2,000 Bill Allen; $7,500 Caldwell Paving. PBC deck-not to exceed $20K. Refund GMF $26,571.91 for overpayment (computer glitch). HB583–Homestead Exemption Public Hearing: Upstairs City Hall on 2/15 at 5:30, 2/20 at 12 noon & 6 p.m. Hiawassee has 177 residences on Homestead Ex. and Young Harris has 33. PBC (Paris Business Center) Open House on March 29. Hiawassee Councilwoman Amy Barrett was thanked for her clarification on these items.

d. Commissioner’s Meeting-Joan: 1/21-Callie Moore, w/MountainTrue, presented Noel Turner with an award for monitoring water quality for drinking & swimming in our area for the past 10 years. The County collected $190K from a class action lawsuit that has to be used for treatment, drug education, etc. Money will go to Avita & Enotah Circuit CHAMPS Program at school. Local TV4 out of Murphy, NC taped the meeting (and future meetings) which will be broadcast on Fridays at 7 p.m. 1/18 Resolution signed for 1st Responder’s PTSD coverage as needed-County is self-insured (cheaper). Internship Program grant, same as last year; Pay-$15/hr. Worked well. Agreement with Atlas to monitor methane gas at landfill.

e. CVBJim: Meeting cancelled.

f. T. C. Water & Sewer Authority-Jim: No meeting.

g. Board of Education-Michael: The new AG building on school property will cost $4.4 million: a grant covers $1.75 million with the remainder paid by ESPLOST.

h. BRMEMC – Michael: Rolling blackouts are directed by TVA; Smart Thermostat Program is from TVA, not our EMC. Coal fired power plant restrictions may be relaxed soon. Precautions for scams–do not give out personal information.

i. County Planning Commission -Andy: Scotty Fain, Sr. wants to put an Addiction Recovery Camp at his Trout Lodge, but needs to bring more information to the next meeting.

j. County Health Department: Slight improvement in School Immunization audit over last year; quarterly numbers show a decline in services. No human cases of bird flu in this area. Info. was given out on screening of infant hearing-EDHI Program.

3. New Business: None.

4. Adjourn: Duly motioned at 4 p.m.

Joan Crothers, Secretary

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 1 p.m. at the upstairs Courthouse Conference Room.