Towns County Civic Association Annual Meeting Minutes
Civic Center
June 22, 2018
President Noel Turner called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. waiting for a few latecomers because of the pending storm. Thirty-eight members and ten visitors attended.
Invocation: David Tinsley from Sharp UMC gave the opening prayer.
Flag Salute: Noel led the Pledge to the Flag.
Dinner: The speakers were asked to go first to the pot luck buffet. Thank you to those helping set up the food: SuSu Davis, Karen Powell, Liza Strub, and Cherrie Scharnberg.
After dinner Noel gave a brief overview of TCCA’s activities during this past year and said Board Members attend all the government meetings, both City and County. He urged all members to attend meetings also. He recognized the only official present, Hiawassee City Council member Anne Mitchell. The Commissioner was on vacation and both Mayors were at a GMA Mayors’ meeting in Savannah.
Noel also asked how many in the audience would like to see a referendum this November for package store sales in the City or County. Most of the hands went up. He then suggested that those in favor meet at the next Commissioner’s meeting, Tuesday, July 17 at 5:30 in the Courtroom, and ask Commissioner Bradshaw to put that on a referendum.
Noel introduced SuSu Davis, Vice President and Chair of the Nominating Committee, to talk about the slate of officers. SuSu thanked her committee members, Don Berry and Ben Lily, for serving on the Nominating Committee, and presented the following slate of officers and directors:
President – Michael Courey
Vice Pres. – SuSu Davis
Treasurer – Jan Kowalsky
Secretary – Joan Crothers
Directors: Barbara Carew, Larry Katz, and LaJean Turner
Nominations were asked for from the floor—there were none. Anne Mitchell made a motion to close nominations; that was seconded and passed.
SuSu asked for a motion to approve the presented slate of officers. Gerry Gutenstein so moved; it was seconded and passed. Officers and Directors were congratulated and stood for a photo for the T.C. Herald.
Two speakers for AirMed-Care, the emergency helicopter service for the City, were introduced. Shane Hedrik and Sarah Gordon gave a presentation and answered many questions from the audience. The City pays $4900/year for city residents to have this free service. They said falling was the #1 cause for service and the city had 74 calls last year.
The County’s service, Air Methods, was invited, but did not attend the meeting.
Michael Courey, incoming President, was introduced and spoke for a few minutes. He stressed how important he felt it is to show interest in our local government by showing up for meetings.
Meeting adjourned. Joan Crothers, Secretary