President Michael Courey opened meeting at 3 p.m.
Present: Michael Courey, LaJean Turner, Jan Kowalsky, Joan Crothers, Larry Dietsch, Noel Turner. Guest: Herb Bruce, to be voted on as a director.
Minutes: Motion to approve the April 11, 2019 minutes was made by Larry D.; seconded & passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan reported a balance of $3,792.01, the same as last month. LaJean made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report; seconded and passed.
Membership: LaJean reported that our membership is at 191, individuals/families. Barbara made a motion to approve; seconded and passed.
Resignation: Larry Katz sent an email last week resigning as a TCCA Director. Michael emailed him with regrets to hear this.
Old Business
- June Meeting: Wednesday, the 5th of June will be our meeting at Rec. Center starting at 6 p.m. Agenda will include Hinton Center, Hamilton Gardens, CVB presentation, and officer elections. Barbara will get baked chicken and meatloaf ; Jan will bring tea; Michael will bring small water bottles; La Jean has other supplies and will get plastic covers for 25 tables. Michael will send out a copy of the agenda to Board and have copies for members at dinner. Joan & LaJean will be at the greeters table to take dues.
- 50/50: It was decided to have a 50/50 to raise funds and Joan will talk about that at meeting. LaJean has a roll of tickets she will bring. Drawing for a winner will be at end of meeting.
- By-Laws: Michael will send out by email a copy of final amendments.
- Clean Sweep: TCCA members and Hamilton Gardens members picked up on Bell St. and Ingles “pond” area on Monday, April 15th . Joan put photos in the paper of that & the awards dinner on April 30th.
New Business
- New Director: Herb Bruce was asked to step outside and the Board members present voted unanimously to have him join TCCA as a director.
- Direction of TCCA: We will review County Ordinances to see what needs to be deleted or brought up. Herb will head this up and divide between members of the Board.
Committee Meetings:
City of Hiawassee: Joan:Terry Poteete, Visual Outdoor Advertising, said he thought his sign application is valid, but Council voted, “No digital signs in Hiawassee.” Raise in water rates discussed & will be voted on by Council at next regular meeting; Masonic Lodge repainting and all work on Post Office have been completed; Earth Day on square on Saturday, 4/27/19.
City of Young Harris: Michael:
Commissioner: Joan: Heavy rains have moved metal bldg. at back—Bill Allen Constr. will grade $9-12K; Ball fields at GMF have been redone; Clyde Shook & crew have “done a good job on roads.” Several agreements were signed: CVB (Hotel/Motel Tax Rev.), NGTC Adult Ed. Services (GED); BRMEMC for internet services.
TCW&S Auth.: No report.
Chamber: Michael attended Cham. 101 which was interesting, telling what the Chamber does for businesses and he joined the Chamber as an individual .
EMC: 1.5% raise to members, effective in Oct.
Planning Commission: No report.
Health Dept.: Larry D. went to April 25th meeting. They reviewed Annual Audit, FY 19-20 Budget, Environmental Reports, Nursing Report & Financial Reports. Cases of measles and Hepatitis in state, but none in T.C. Finances good w/balance of $273,670.