July 18, 2019 Board Meeting

President Michael Courey opened meeting at 3 p.m.

Present:  Michael Courey, LaJean Turner, Jan Kowalsky, Joan Crothers, Barbara Carew, Larry Dietsch, Noel Turner, Herb Bruce.

Minutes: Motion to approve the June 5, 2019 minutes was made by Larry Dietsch with 2 corrections: Spelling of Liza Strub and year 2019 to replace 2919; seconded & passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  Jan reported a balance of $4,218.01. Barbara made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report; seconded and passed.

Membership:  LaJean reported that our membership is still at 191, individuals/families. All agreed that we need to get more members; publicity of donations will help.

Donations to be made as previously approved: Food Pantry- $200 July 2019; Hamilton Gardens- $300 July 2019; Enotah CASA- $150 Aug. 2019.

Old Business

  1. Review June Meeting: There was low attendance; food was good, esp. meatloaf; speakers need to be shorter. Have next meetings at Civic Center, next to Court House rather than the Rec. Ctr.

New Business

  1. New Board Director: Barbara made a motion to nominate John Clemens to join TCCA as a director pending receipt of membership dues; seconded and passed.
  2. Direction of TCCA:   Herb has looked at City & County Ordinances and there are a lot of them; maybe just look and discuss a few at a time, to address at the September meeting.
  3. Seaplane:  Discussed the petition brought to the June meeting re: the Seaplane at The Ridges being a safety & noise issue. This is the third summer for it on Lake Chatuge. (See Commissioner’s Meeting below). An information and draft position will be constructed for Board review.

Committee Meetings:

City of Hiawassee: Joan: June 24th & July 9th mtgs. Mayor on vacation; 2nd reading & adoption of Broadband Ready Ord.

City of Young Harris: Barbara: Water rate increase needed for repairs & emergencies—nothing in reserve. Bathrooms & pavilion at Cupid Falls were discussed. Denise McKay addressing the City master plan and looking for grant possibilities.

Commissioner: Joan: New computer-aided 911 system ($212,726), installation/training to be finished in late 2020; Candace said the “Made in GA” event brought in 4,350 people; Historical Society on 8/15/19 honored veterans in Co. at Rec. Center; new handicap sidewalk at Courthouse in compliance with Court order. Around a dozen people who live near The Ridges were on hand to complain about Seaplane safety & noise. Bradshaw said he may contact Sen. Wilkinson/Congressman Collins about this matter.

BRMEMC: Michael: The TVA is reconsidering the September rate increase. New meters to be installed. Annual mtg. 9/26/19 @EMC complex, 1 p.m.

TCW&S Auth.: In discussion about building their own water treatment plant.

CVB:   July 9th meeting cancelled.

Chamber:  Several fishing tournaments are coming up, plus new event “Rust Rose.”

Planning Commission:  No recent meeting.

Co. Health Dept.: Larry D.: There are 54 businesses serving food and 18 tourist facilities in the County.