August 8, 2019 Board Meeting

President Michael Courey opened meeting at 3 p.m.

Present:  Michael Courey, LaJean Turner, Joan Crothers, Barbara Carew, Larry Dietsch, Noel Turner, Herb Bruce, John Clemens.

Michael welcomed new Board member John Clemens, who gave a short bio.

Minutes: Motion to approve the July 18, 2019 minutes was made by Barbara; seconded & passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  Jan sent report with a balance of $3,845.47. Herb made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report; seconded and passed.

Membership:  LaJean reported that our membership is now at 193, and 14 dues came in last week. Two articles were in the last two issues of the Herald, showing our donation to Food Pantry- $200 and to Hamilton Gardens- $300.  Enotah CASA- $150 will be done this month by LaJean, then sent to Joan for the paper.  LaJean has one check for CASA and one for Chamber—$50 registration for Business Showcase. 

Old Business

  1. Wing N It Seaplane: Michael, H. Mayor Liz, and Commissioner went to Doug Nelson’s house in Cedar Cliff area to listen to noise level and assess safety. Michael said they felt they did a fair assessment. No unreasonable noise levels were observed.
  2. TCCA Direction: County ordinances review by Herb, tabled until September.

New Business

  1. Candidates/Elected Officials Forum: Plan on Thursday, Oct. 24th at 6:30 p.m. either at Civic Center or Rec. Center for 3 Hiawassee City Council seats and 3 for Young Harris as well as for elected officials.
  2. TCCA Website: Barbara and John volunteered to help Jan with a number of items needed to be edited and added.
  3. January 2020 General Membership meeting.  Speaker suggestions were made. CVB Board Chairman; Director of Economic Development; Hamilton Gardens; Chamber of Commerce.

Committee Meetings:

City of Hiawassee: Joan: $25K ice machine for Mayors Park was tabled; New Utility software option not to exceed $25K; Problem remains related to certain sewer bills being paid by County Water Authority subscribers.

City of Young Harris: Barbara: YHC Band Bldg. and Main St. sidewalk repair not finished; new pavilion at Mayors Park. They are looking at Hiawassee Mayors Park Pavilion as a model. Consideration to expand the City limits by annexation.

Commissioner:  Meeting will be next Tuesday at the Courthouse, 5:30 p.m.

BRMEMC: Michael: General business.

TCW&S Auth.:  General Business

CVB: Next meeting is Aug. 13th at 8 a.m.

Chamber:  “Rust Rose.” event has been cancelled due to lack of participation; 5th year for Bus. Showcase on Thurs. Sept. 19, 4-7 p.m. LaJean will take our registration check. Several fishing tournaments planned: September 25-28; November 2; and November 30.

 Planning Commission:  No recent meeting.

Co. Health Dept.: Larry D.: Met 7/25, reviewed Environmental Reports, Nursing & Financial Reports. Costs are up due to flu shots purchased for season; 3 main diseases in GA are Hepatitis A (504 cases), Legionella (9 cases), Measles (7 cases). Financial balance $342,962. (8 mos. of operation funds).

Other Business:  Joan received a Thank You note from Hamilton Gardens Executive Dir. Grace Howard, thanking TCCA for donation of $300. Also received an invitation from Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition to attend celebration of their merger with non-profit MountainTrue on Aug. 17. Barbara, John, Noel and LaJean will be attending.