President Michael Courey opened meeting at 3 p.m.
Present: Michael Courey, LaJean Turner, Jan Kowalsky, Joan Crothers, Barbara Carew, Larry Dietsch, Noel Turner, Herb Bruce.
Minutes: Motion to approve the August 8, 2019 minutes was made by LaJean; seconded & passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan reported a balance of $3,870.47. Barbara made the motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report; seconded and passed. Michael passed around a letter of thanks from CASA for TCCA’s $150 donation. Donation remaining is Student grant in April 2020 for $100.
Membership: LaJean reported that she has been in touch with some delinquent members and we should be getting their checks soon. Jack & Mary Miller are now off our roll.
Old Business
- Hiawassee and Y.H. City elections; candidates forum will probably be unnecessary as no seat is contested.
- TCCA donation to CASA was in the newspaper.
- Website: Jan, Barbara and John Clemens worked on update. Current site cost is for hosting. T.C. Commissioner access to be added under links. LaJean will look into TCCA being on Facebook.
New Business
- County Ordinances: Herb had a handout for T.C. Code of Ordinances and Sign Ordinance Review. Both the Sign & Noise Ordinances should be considered for review. It was suggested that Board members should review the Ordinances and look around the county for examples of non compliance. Pictures of those instances will be of help.
- Business Showcase: Michael, LaJean, Barbara and Herb will man the table, next to Firewise. They will have a raffle for a plant and try to get new members. A motion was made, seconded and passed to provide the amount (not to exceed) of $20 for the plant.
- January 2020 General Membership meeting. Reserved the Civic Center for Jan. 23 at 6 p.m. Invite Pat Malone, Census leader for this area, to speak in addition to CVB, Chamber, and Hamilton Gardens.
Committee Meetings:
City of Hiawassee: Joan: Fluoride will be on county ballot in Nov.; Sewer Plant expansion—lightning caused damage again; DOT grant will pave Tator Ridge and BelAire and in front of City Hall; Ceremony was held on square for Veterans, now on banners; City also planning big 9-11 event and Fall Art Show on square; Street in town will be named Carl Grizzle Way.
City of Young Harris: Barbara: Board voted to cut their Council down to 5 members; sidewalks on Main St. are starting.
Commissioner: Aug. 20th meeting: No raise in millage rate; Abandonment of Olin Hughes Rd was discussed and tabled to Sept. meeting; Bradshaw signed papers for Baptist community (Hiawassee Park) $38 million new addition to be built (no cost to county); GMF’s Hilda Thomason talked about upcoming events; Chamber’s Candace Lee talked about Chamber events.
BRMEMC: Michael attended 8/22 meeting—members of FAIR (Families Against Inequitable Rates) spoke;Annual Membership Meeting will be Sept. 26 at 1 p.m. at the BRMEMC location.
TCW&S Auth.; CVB; Chamber; Planning Commission; Co. Health Dept.: No reports.
DDA (Downtown Development Assoc.) Herb is on this committee and will report in Oct.
Other Business:
Seaplane: Information suggest that The Ridges will not be renting the seaplane space next year.