January 26, 2018 General Membership Meeting Minutes

TCHA President Noel Turner opened the meeting at 6 p.m. with a welcome to all, especially dignitaries in the audience, Mayors Liz Ordiales and Andrea Gibby, and Hiawassee Council-woman Anne Mitchell.  Billy Snipes did the invocation. Tables were set up for Hamilton Gardens, CASA, and Firewise; Joan & Jan greeted by the door; 47 members signed in along with 17 …

January General Membership Meeting

TCHA Membership meeting was held on Friday, January 27, 2017 at 6 p.m. at the Towns County Recreation & Conference Center, located on Mining Gap Rd. Joan took membership renewals and new memberships as everyone entered.  62 members and 34 guests did sign in, but a number went to a second door, which was locked, and because it was cold, …

Blog Post Title

What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert. Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.